Burning Pickle Patio - Gathering to Chat

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Time to get back to our chat threads and keep up with what is going on. I thought that gathering at the patio would be a good place to resume our conversations.

Thumbnail by haighr
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

What a delightful patio! There must be a story about why the Bird of Paradise is called a burning pickle? That's a great analogy!

I just found this thread and do hope it is okay for me to join ya'll on the patio. My mother loved floral arranging with all her heart and was a natural at it. She did so much of it after she retired. She was a teacher, a garden club member, loved to work in her beloved yard, cook, read, and collect shells. She was a lifelong learner. Everybody in our small town liked her. I guess I must have been thinking about mom when I saw this and also thinking I should do some floral arranging ... or at least hang out with people who do and maybe it would rub off on me. :-D))) As a widow left with two small children to raise, she went on to carve out a rich life helping others and doing the things she loved.

Anyway, I'd love to sit here for awhile and chat ... and learn from you all, if that's okay.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

So very happy to meet you and by all means come sit and chat. We have had years and years of fun at the patio and previously in what we called the "Flowerpot Cafe". You should check out some of those threads, they are a hoot!
The story behind the Burning Pickle is ... I decided to do a painting one day to hang on our wall of the patio. I wanted to paint a bird of paradise, but when I finished and stood back it looked more to me like a burning pickle! So I posted the photo on another thread and the consensus was to make the name of the patio the Burning Pickle!
I just retired in February and have been gardening for a number of years. I love to have fresh flowers inside and out and have a knack for arranging. I guess folks would say I am a bit "artsy fartsy"!
My husband Steve and I like to travel when we can afford to (more difficult now that we are retired) and we love to do woodworking and be outside. We make everything from wood works of art in barnwood frames to adirondack chairs and arbors.
Sounds like your mom and I would have loved sitting together in the cafe and sharing our photos of arrangements. I also have quite a collection of shells that we have on our "Isle of Dreams".
As you can see, I get some "wild" ideas!
Here is a little something for the patio!
Have a great day my friend,

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

This is a particularly fun thread we did for Christmas 2009!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh, that Christmas thread was a hoot ... and just kept getting funnier. Ya'll have too much fun.

The "Isle of Dreams" is, well, dreamy. :) We know it's the little details that make or break a design, and the lobster trap immediately caught my eye. I was smitten. :) But it's all done very well and I know you enjoy having that area in your yard. Thanks for sharing it with me.

I figured there had to be a story behind the burning pickle too. I'll never look at a Bird of Paradise bloom the same way again. :-D)))

My mother lived with us the last ten years of her life and I came to depend on her for dried floral arrangements. I got spoiled. I did learn from observing her but I need to get back into the swing again.

I used to enjoy traveling whenever I could, but now that I'm a caregiver, travel is severely restricted. Woodworking is an interesting hobby. I enjoy re-purposing things into yard and garden art. My problem comes when I fall behind on projects and end up with stacks of things all over the place. I'm prone to that.

A friend and I took a tour of a gentleman's yard and gardens here in town not too long ago. He is a retired college professor who has been in his home 40+ years. He had some wonderful yard art that he designed and made himself. This is one of my favorite pieces.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I love that yard art! He is quite talented.
I hope you share some of yours and your mom's creations. I always love to see what others have designed.
Thanks for the comments on the "isle" we do have a nice relaxing time out there.
The Christmas thread was a ton of fun!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

This is my most recent dried arrangement. It is corkscrew willow which we grow not only for arrangements, but Steve uses it to carve his walking sticks, a bit of allium, siberian iris and poppy pods spray painted in gold and a lotus pod and dried dahlia and some pine combs.

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi.. staggering in tired from all the fall festivities of closing down the farm for winter... here are some snacks.. yawn!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Your arrangement is lovely, haighr. Yes, indeed, you and my mother would have gotten along very well. She loved the gold spray paint too. In fact, for the longest time I had a bunch of teasel she had sprayed gold. Love that teasel weed. She used a lot of Lunaria annua in her arrangements as well. I've gotten some seeds from several people this Fall so I can get Lunaria growing in my yard again next year. Can't wait.

Nice turkey, BB. Bet he doesn't last long. :)

Here is a yard art crafty thing I do as well. But Melody's turned out so nicely, I think I like them better than mine. :-D)))

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey Karen - you are making me hungry!!! I love oreos and reese cups!

That glass work is really nice. I would have never thought of such a neat idea. Gives me some ideas for making new unusual vases.

This message was edited Nov 12, 2011 7:25 PM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! Gobble gobble!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awww nwerts.. my subscriptin to DG is about to run out and I might not be able to renew it... ugh!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dang, contact admin and they will likely help. I know that Redrose just got a new subscription w/o any problem. I know what you are saying though, in these times. Had it not been for winning in the County Fair and getting a years script, I would not be likely renewing myself.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Glad you posted so it popped up on my thread watcher. Sometimes I read the threads without time to respond and once opened, they no longer appear there. I eventually track things down.

Congrats, haighr, on the blue ribbon. Which category did you win?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Haighr.. things are just sooo crazy.. Well, congrats on that ribbon... I contacted them and it will be ok.. just was a fraid to lose my tools and chatter here.

Well, everyone have a great Thanksgiving.. see you after! And incase I do not make it back intime for Christmas.. be blessed there too!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Goodness Karen, are you going into hiding? Glad you contacted admin and all is well.
All the kids and grandkids will be here next week so I likely won't be around much until the first of December. So have a very happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for the congrats. As for the contest I won in the crafts with my handmade Circle of Hope breast cancer doily.

This message was edited Nov 19, 2011 4:12 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

That is very sweet. ♥

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks. I am a survivor and made these for our local BCA group.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

These mild temps for the past few weeks have made me want to think of spring plantings! It has been in the 60's almost every day until now.
Calling for snow tonight, we shall see. We are going to the cabin tomorrow and Tim is coming for the last weekend of hunting and then we will close it down for the winter before coming home on Sunday.
Been quiet in the cafe, guess everyone is getting ready for Christmas.
I have been teaching myself with the help of Youtube to knit. Have made a couple simple things. Must say I am quite an experienced crocher'r but knitting is completely different as I still haven't quite learned how to even count the rows???
Here's a little something for the cafe to begin the Christmas decorations as it really looks bare in here.
I've moved us here for our holiday chat!

This message was edited Dec 7, 2011 8:18 AM

Thumbnail by haighr
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Since the holidays have come and, I'm posting over here again. Is that right?

Ooooo....such a wonderful and WARM vacation, Candee. Perfect time of the year for Jamaica! I'm envious... in a good way, of course. ;-)

Is this the place to post pictures of wreaths? That seems to be the kind of floral design, etc. I've been into lately.

I didn't make this arrangement but love it so posting it for some January color and cheer. ^_^

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yes it is time to close the holiday patio and I shall go do that.
I love those colors, they would go perfect on my dining room table, bring them over when you get a chance!

As for the wreaths, I believe you should start a new thread for just that = wreaths and wreath making??? Just my humble opinion as I think it might get more traffic on its own?

I've been busy making doilies and such. I made several of the Christmas Angels for gifts at the holiday and just finished these Tooth Fairy's for our granddaughters. Idea is to put the tooth in the gold pouch and wait for the magic to happen. I hope to sell a few as I think they will make a treasured keepsake.

Thumbnail by haighr
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Very sweet and lovely. I do think you could sell those. Definitely.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Very pretty crafts Haighr!

Well I hav been very busy.. this is my extreme time of year!

Took down the tree and been workignon Christmas cards for 2012 already.. if I do not stare addressing them now, I will not get everyone I want to be in touch with out! Sometimes Christmas is the only time of the year when I am able to update with people and a lot of friends and fam dont have internet.

So today, I am also baking a cherry pie.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Never too soon to get a head start, Blossom. We used to send out about 125 cards each holiday but that has been cut back drastically. Not that many of the family left and we talk to most of them and friends on the phone or on the internet. It's great that you are making the effort to keep in touch.

Enjoy the pie.

This message was edited Jan 4, 2012 2:39 PM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now that's a head start. Thanks for the compliment on the fairy!
As for us, Steve had most all of the skin removed from his nose yesterday (cancer) during 6 hrs. on/off surgery. He was to have plastic surgery today, but not enough blood flow to the area so had to put it off for at least a week. Meantime I must redress 3x daily and saturate with saline gauze and dressing and cross fingers that they can do the surgery in a week. He can't get it wet so limits a lot for the time being. Seems there is always something isn't there. Additionally all the drugs they gave him triggered the gout this time in his wrist and it has been quite painful since yesterday. Least now that there is no surgery in the immediate future he can take something for the pain. Happy New Year!!!
Once they do the surgery graft he will have a box of meds on his nose for a while (yes literally a box of meds sewn to the nose) like a Christmas package. He had this done 17 years ago at Johns Hopkins and the cancer returned so doing it again. I'll keep you posted.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh my, get better there Steve.. seems everyone we know is battling something serious.

Well, I have been very busy inthe office. Between the new odd jobs and the old, I keep chasing my tail, but sooner or later things will get straigthened out.

Watered the houseplants yesterday.. I need to do a thoruoghy pickign on them. lots of dry leaves this bunch... then set a day to clean house, seems I cleanareas more so than a thorugh run of dust, vac and wipe. Been markignthe calender with stuff to do. Here for you Steve.. one of my gerbera daisys is blooming.

We are having a rather unseasonably warm winter.. one would think it was spring....need the longer days.. Im tired of the darkness.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Bless your heart BB, that gerber is outstanding. Mine are just the leaves now even with the warm temps.
I need to get busy watering as well, my inside looks like a jungle, but must say I have been keeping up with the leaf debris on a pretty regular basis, so get snapping!!!

I hope Steve can get the graft next week, but he is still swollen and unless that goes away and there is more blood flow to the area, he will have to wait at least another week. Keep your fingers crossed. He isn't in any pain, but not being able to stand under a hot shower and wash his hair is getting bothersome, plus he has this big wad of gauze taped to his face that I change 3x daily and that is getting bothersome to him as well, especially with wearing glasses. Oh well, lots worse things!

Working on another Breast Cancer doily as I have an order for one. I did manage to do some cleaning of this house yesterday, but hard to find the time now that I am retired LOL! I just finished a lovely little Valentine doily, I'll post soon as I get a photo!

Have a great day!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Your so welcome.

Yep, keeping up with the indoor leave debris is a problem and I should be plucking every time I see a booger, but I have been to busy and only barely time enough to water...I need to empty my stands take them ove to the kitchen and pluck preenand reshelf! I notice I have baby zinnias in some of my baskets and I have some vinca and impatiens blooming.

Yesterday I took a walk out in the garden after whaacking down a huge aussie willow tree and I notice due to the unseasonably warm winter we have been enjoying.. I have some iris about 7 inches tall. The trees are all in bud here and usually by now we have snow on the ground. Its like fall never ended and we are into spring.

Got to clean the tree debris up before it gets nasty otherwis we are gonna have baby willows every were.

Well, Steve, you get better soon. Is it sunpoisoning type cancer? I got that years back when I was in Hawaii and luckily mine did go away but my nose would errupt with blisters which was no fun so I can realy sympathsize with you there. ANd mine was just the sunpoisoning.. which is just a little different then your avearage sunburn and not cancer but could become such.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

It is basal cell carcinoma, not bad on its own elsewhere but on the nose will burst through and cause serious infections and ongoing problems so had to go! Nothing serious like the malignant melanoma I had, but still can't stay where it is. It is definitely caused by the sun so floppy hats and sunscreen from here on out! All should be fine once they can do the graft.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Yep... floppy hats and sunscreen..

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I just hope they can do the graft soon. Went back on Monday and still a no go???????? Ugh, bleeding on every bandage change yet not enough blood flow to do the graft??????/ Another appt. this Friday, keep fingers crossed.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Keeping my fingers crossed for the two of you also.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks Dianne, I know he is getting tired of me being his "nurse" LOL!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey! Hi soils! good to see you!

Was out working in the woods and saw this little fellow!
He was just as content as could be.. probaly most
thankful hunting season was over. Him and 2 others were
checking out the briars. So beautiful!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What a pretty site BB. Looks like a nice day your way as well.

Back to the dr,. this morn and hope for good news that they can do the graft next week? Fingers crossed again and with a bit of arthritis that is getting old! It is very cold this morn and winds up to 30-40 mph. I'll try not to blow away!!!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Blossombuddy - and a hearty hello to you too!! How neat to see deers in your own backyard.

Candee - hope you get the good news you want.

The weather here is still very mild - 60's during the day, high 30's at night, and no rain in sight. For the first time that I have ever remembered, I had to turn the sprinkler on for a very short cycle two weeks ago. Less than 0.1 inch of rain in 2 months.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Finally, they are doing the graft next Tuesday, yeah, Steve will finally get a nose!

Weather had been mild in the 50's and even up to 60, but that all changed yesterday with gusty winds and coooooold temps!

It is fun to have deer to watch. We also have some turkey and fox. They don't bother our gardens thank goodness, but sure are curious. This one was about to bring us mail!

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well Howdee-doo to all of you! Its snowing here. Just spent a miserable day trying to deal with frozen hoses and getting the animals water.. its bitter out there. Not doing my back any good either. Frozen this and that.. I have had it and Im tired... been dragging hoses and electric snakes and the hair dryer around to attach and detatch hose couplers, fill buckets. haul hay etc in the blowing snow for the last couple hours and I am worn out from getting dressed and undressed coming in to warm up then only to go back out again... . time for some hot chocolate and my favorite chair.. !

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

You certainly do deserve some hot chocolate after all that. We are FINALLY getting some rain - first real storm of the winter. Had less than 0.5 inches in the last two months.

Candee - how did the surgery go? Hope everything is OK.

My relandscaping of the front yard is done. Got rid of the rest of the grass in April, and have been slowly planting and finishing terracing the slopey areas. I have been trying to use materials I have on hand, so I keep an eye out for other people's "junk". Even incorporated some of the leftover tile roofing material. Now the fun part is to start filling in the bare spots. I hope that when I dig up my dahlias in the spring, I will have some to divide (though I will be more than happy if they just survived). Candee - glad to hear that you had a very successful tuber harvest. Hope I can say the same.

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