CLOSED: Christmas Swap, Signup Ends Nov 6

Trunk $1.75 at flea market. fence is part of a "make it Christmas" crafts from hobby lobby,, stepping stones are from wall tile strip from home depot. Bench was a gift from ChooCoogal in our mini swap, and plants were from her too. Not Coleus, a tini sedum? Total cost under $5.00.. I be

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Very Nifty Elfie!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

She's a nifty thrifty, I do agree. ^_^

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful!! Love it, Elfie.

Athens, PA


That is adorable. You are so talented....

I used to do crafty things and I think that pretty much fell by the wayside. One thing I used to love to do was to press flowers and make pictures - I would enjoy getting back into that again.....

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

WHOO HOOO we get our names today!!!!!!!

Ocean Springs, MS

Deejay, prayers for you and your Daddy! Glad you have a good doctor who cares about what is best for him.

Elfie, that is adorable! So very unique!

Got some things lined up for my buddy for this swap but gotta wait to get the name to make sure I get the special things she wants!

Wish you all a blessed day, julieanne

Thanks everyone. I am going to work on a Christmas themed one next. I bought the prettiest baby Norfolk Pines at Home Depot last week!!

Trying to stay out from under the table,, Jax has been a very bad girl keeping this mud elf drunk all weekend,,,lol

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Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sign-ups have ended.

Just waiting for 5 o'clock to send out my end of our matches.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a) exciting!

By 5 o'clock,, I may be passed out under dat table....

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Getting a bucket of water ready to throw on Elfie, just in case..

Friends help friends, ya know ^_^

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi Ladies!!!
Been busy making candles. Got a pot of beans cooking now. Doug says I am making him hungry with beans and chocolate scented candles, lol ^_^

Thumbnail by purpbutfly
Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Looking good there Cindy anf yummy on the beans and chocolate.

This time change has got me all twisted around. I don't remember what clocks got changed and what didn't. Not even sure if the computer changed by itself. sheeeesh! I'm gonna have to get up out of my comfy chair with this nice warm heating pad and go check the clocks for the earliest set one. hope dh didn't change any of the same ones or I'm in real trouble. lol

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Woo hoo, I have my buddy's name and the swap is ON. ^_^

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Names have been sent out ladies. Start your shopping, craft making, and get ready to pack your boxes! ^_^

Please let me know if you did not get a name?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Ho Ho Ho! I got mine and have sent names to the Elves that were on my list too. Thank you, LK!

Looking good, Cindy. Wish I had smell-a-vision and a big bowl of your beans. Cornbread is already cooked here.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

LOL. You sound like Emeril Lagasse. :-D)))

I am thrilled with my name. Yes, indeed. Getting this box together will be mucho fun!!! ^_^

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Got my name... now to get a few more things together :) Love this swap!

Got my name. Thanks,,,,

Uh,, I think I missed something. Are we to send from at least two of the items up top? For some reason I have been thinking that we were picking from one item that our buddy wants.. Am I wrong?

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Got my name, now the fun begins......I love being Santa's helper!!!

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Athens, PA

This is going to be sooo much fun!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Everybody please see the second block above to find the person you're sending to and the choices, if any, that she has made.

Most all of us picked 2 items we would like to receive. It's totally up to the sender though to pick from their list OR senders are free to do your own thing.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Got my name! Now to get busy helping Santa!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

YeeeeeeHawwwwwww Charley got his name and is so excited..

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Gosh I almost forgot about posting my likes & dislikes.
Would love to receive any of the item #'s 2, 6, 7 or 9 especially.
Allergic to bananas love vanilla scented items (candles, sachet, etc)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Cris, I'm so glad you're joining our Christmas party!

Pacifica, CA

got my name!

Poor Elfie,, hands be hurting from all the work done yesterday,,, Gonna be a long day today playing with all my pretties!! I am having a lot of fun with this one!!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yeah, I am going to have alot of fun also, took a day or so for the light bulb to light but I have it figured out now.....excited!

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

..................i beez busy keeping lil elf outta trouble.....wit the bailey's.......under the table! did sumbodies call me???

Ocean Springs, MS

Did yall know that Queen Anne's - the company that sells chocolate covered cherries- is now making chocolate covered blueberries? Wonder what they are like? Hmmmm?

love, julie

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Making my list and checking it twice.....

ewwww, can't stand Chocolate Covered Cherries. Surely their chocolate covered blueberries must taste better unless they still have that ooey gooey sweet icky filling. To each his own though.

What Christmas songs or hymns do you all enjoy listening to and why?

I like the big church Choirs for Christmas. Just love the sound.. Drat,, now I am going to want to hook up the Zune to listen to music tonight,,, Thanks
On a side note,,, Elfie has been painting today,,, lots of Christmas spirit here on the pond!!

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Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Love the old Christmas songs, Bing Crosby, Elvis, all those and all the Christmas old movies, my fav has to be Chevy Chases Christmas, that is my family...rofl. I play all the old movies has I am getting out Christmas decorations, I have lots of music boxes and I love winding them up and letting them play.

Athens, PA

I like pretty much all the Christmas carols from all the different eras, but in the last couple of years I have really enjoyed listening to Pavarotti or the 3 Tenors - especially when they do things like 'O Holy Night' - that was my Mom's favorite and Ava Maria.... Fruity - DH already thinks I am weird with some of the music I listen too - but now I'll be listening to them before Thanksgiving and he will really think I have lost it. Hmmm.... perhaps I have lost it and I am the only one that doesn't realize it!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I don't think you've lost it, Carolyn. I enjoy Pavarotti, operatic style music, 3 Tenors, etc. very much. 'O Holy NIght' would have to be at the top of my favorites list. I like all the old Christmas hymns and most of the newer songs as well. Hard to choose beyond that one.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I love any Christmas songs, but I love Bing Crosby and Harry Connick Jr. My favorite song is Little Drummer boy, as it states in the song, I have no gift for you other than my music... Just to back up my theory, Christmas does not have to be all about expensive gifts.

I love fruit cake, and chocolate covered cherries. I don't like blueberries.

Athens, PA


It is hard to choose - I was thinking about this and I was raised on Harry Belefonte's Christmas music when I was a child. I need to see if I can find that out on CD - there were different songs that you just don't hear now - 'A Star in the East' goes through my mind.

I also love Sachmo and Ella Fitzgerald. They must have had some Christmas music as well. I picked up a Christmas CD with the Rat Pack a couple of years ago and like that. I have always like Dean Martin....

Athens, PA

Linda - I have never been a fruitcake fan either - but I love the big dates you get at Christmas and I stuff them with cream cheese and walnuts and roll them in sugar. I could eat those like potato chips!

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