Osprey season 2011. All three chicks are thriving.

Perth, Australia

One of the chicks then woke up and tried a bit of wing flapping whilst ma looked up at the tree dad was perched in!

Thumbnail by unsteady
Perth, Australia

The next photo is a 'family' shot - mum and the kids, I like this one!

Thumbnail by unsteady
Perth, Australia

One final photo of the family with mum screaming at pa "My afternoon off you so and so......." the heavens then opened up so had to pack up and go. Shame I had no cover for the camera because I noted mum's tendency to still try to stand over chicks with wings spread to cover them, amazing behavior from an amazing 'lady'!

Thumbnail by unsteady
PERTH, Australia

Fantastic, Pete. Dad was obviously in the big tree again? I love, love love that first shot with the chicks giving you all a good look. It's bucketing down here at present.

Marlton, NJ

Wonderful shots Pete!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Margaret and Pete the photos are crazy good...Love this...soo amazing...love the eye shot and the tongues...LOL

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Like Tamara, I just adore that eye shot and the tongues pics. of the 'kids'. What beautiful a family they're! Hey Pete, are you sure the 'kids' didn't score a perfect hit on your lens? Or rather, the target practice hits target? LOL All shots are wonderful, thanks both for bringing them to share.

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Wonderful shots Margaret and Pete. Love that shot of the chicks giving the "look". I cannot believe how big these chicks are.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I too can't get over how big they are now, I mean it is like they double in size from one picture to the others.

All I have say about the eyes, "Eyes were you going with them babies"......


Sandusky, OH

Great shots Margaret and Pete! The yelling at Dad shot had me laughing pretty good...poor Big Hook she has poop on her and is probably saying "Stop bringing the fish!!!" Wonder if they both know that they are doing a wonderful job raising three healthy Osprey's as tough as it is.

Blenheim, New Zealand

It's been a real treat reading and looking through All the wonderful photos, thankyou MargaretK, and unsteady .

Perth, Australia

Well today weather while I was there was pretty overcast. I concentrated on portrait shots. The first two photos are after ma and pa returned from a quick dunk in the river although I've no reason why as it wasn't really swimming weather! Ma was close to the nest on the pole above the nest drying off and keeping an eye on pa - occasionally really letting him know what she thought of him.

Thumbnail by unsteady
Perth, Australia

The second is a similar shot but starting to increase the volume!

Thumbnail by unsteady
Perth, Australia

The next is staring me down through the front of the camera!

Thumbnail by unsteady
Perth, Australia

the last two are screaming at pa who completely ignores ma's shenanigans. He has way more courage than I or any of us give him credit for!!

Thumbnail by unsteady
Perth, Australia

Venting ones displeasure is putting it politely. Hope you all had a good WE where ever you spent it, take care, Pete

Thumbnail by unsteady
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

that stare down shot is incredible. I love it.

Tell me again what camera's both of you are using and what power lens, please. We have some nests right around here and my DH is wanting a new camera so now I think is the time....LOL


Norwalk, OH(Zone 5a)

Nice shots enjoy them all!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

you know, maybe we all are just inferring that Ma Big Hook is peeved at Dad. Maybe she's really yelling lovey remarks. "you're the best fish catcher EVAH! I love you, come cuddle with me!"

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Good Lord, that bird even looks mean. I love the one where she is staring down the camera! With a "doo" like that wet look she is wearing, one would think she would not want to be noticed!! LOL Great shots Pete.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Love your photos Pete!! Sorry the weather hasn't been at its best for you, but we're sure appreciating your beautiful photos.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Mags and Pete, both of you have such talent for taking photos that tell a story! All shots are amazing!

PERTH, Australia

Love them all, Pete.

Pete was below and closer to the nest than I was yesterday. This is a shot I took of Big Hook staring at Pete as he set up.

Here's looking at you, Pete.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

The chicks weren't doing much yesterday and the lighting wasn't the best - that is until we were all packed up to go then the sun shone through.

Here, on of the chicks was watching a bird flying overhead, decided it was scary and promptly hunkered down - all the while keeping an eye on it.

Jan, Pete uses a Canon 50D with 500mm f4 lens or 100-400mm zoom, sometimes with teleconverter. I have a Canon 40D and use 500mm f4 lens or if I'm hand-holding, will use my Canon 400mm f5.6 lens. the 40D loses autofocus with Canon teleconverters attached, which is very disappointing. Both of us use a Gitzo tripod, Pete has the Wimberley head and I have the 4th Gen Mongoose head. We are both looking for Canon 7D's at the moment. Denis was there yesterday and I took some shots with one of his 1D Mk IV's with the 70-200mm f2.8 lens and 1.4 converter. Absolutely amazing; rapid fire and instantaneous focussing. Sigh.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

She's saying "I'm ready for my close-up, Mister Pete.

PERTH, Australia

Ha ha ha.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks so much for the info on the camera's and what ya like about the other.


Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

I always have Lens amd Camera envy Here..LOL..But I love looking at any Great photos..Thanks Margaret an Pete ,also the written observations are wonderful..Thanks as always..

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Quote from huggergirl :
I always have Lens amd Camera envy Here..LOL..But I love looking at any Great photos..Thanks Margaret an Pete ,also the written observations are wonderful..Thanks as always..

I have country/continent/hemisphere envy.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

aHH Yes that too Mrs_Ed,if we win the lotto we will go for a walk about in Austrailia,my DH was born in Brisbane.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Love your two photos Margaret. You have a great knack of capturing so much personality in just one photo.

PERTH, Australia

Things continue to tick along nicely at the nest. There is no rivalry between the three chicks and Big Hook is proving to be a very competent mother. She remains a bit tetchy with Dad and if he lands on the pole branch, she'll inevitably chase him off. The chicks are exercising their wings and have been seen to lift an inch or two off the nest during practice.

Here's a shot of the three musketeers from the day before yesterday. They were staring at something behind me. Big Hook continued to pull at a fish held in her talons.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

After the fish was fed to the three chicks, she went off for a bath. Here she's shaking like a dog that's just come out of the water.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

My goodness those chicks are huge.

Love Big Hook's wet look.

South Hamilton, MA

Great picture of the 3 Musketeers.

Marlton, NJ

Wow the chicks are so big! Great shots Margaret!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Wow what an incredible shot, maybe she is so sad to see that the time will be at hand for the three to start leaving the nest, and hence her squaking at her mate......

Love the shots and your comments.

Thanks again for the the updated photos.


Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow! They have grown so much. Margaret..have you thought of names for them yet? The three musketeers names were Athos, Aramis and Porthos.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Those musketeers are absolutely growing leaps and bounds! Athos, Aramis and Porthos? Whoa! I like them all. lol

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Holy Cow....I too am shocked at how large they are already!

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