Osprey season 2011. All three chicks are thriving.

PERTH, Australia

Also from the day before yesterday, the two older chicks conspiring to poop on the next person that travels below them on the low path. "Now, you get into position and I'll keep a look-out and when they're just at that spot, you let one go, OK?"

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Again, from the day before yesterday, Big Hook and what I think is an Australian Hobby (a Falcon) in a dogfight. The Hobby swooped Big Hook on the nest and she gave chase. Then the tables were turned and the Hobby chased her and this went on for a couple of minutes before the Hobby left. This was taken with the smaller 70-200mm lens that I'm not too happy with.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

From yesterday, Big Hook and two chicks - the third was sleeping.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Check out the chick on the right. Awake.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Seconds later - asleep.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Marlton, NJ

Incredible shots Margaret! I can't get over how fast the chicks are growing!

South Hamilton, MA

Almost teenagers?

Sandusky, OH

Getting bigger for sure, lol on the poop conspiring. Beautiful photo's Margaret!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

wonderful as usual,thanks Margaret

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Love the shot of Dad. Yes, you can see the mark on his iris. Just adore the conspiracy shot! Gosh, those chicks are growing. Wonderful shots Margaret. Glad for Dad's sake that Big Hook's hormonal flare up is subsiding a bit. LOL!!

Perth, Australia

Hi Margaret - the series of inflight shots from the 28th are awesome. did you handhold with the 400 mm? They are so sharp and have great eye contact. I was down south all WE so sorry I missed the action. I agree with you I think fledging in the fortnight or so before Xmas - what will be fascinating is to observe if they all try at once and the behavior when they can fly - can't wait to see them all on the branch together!!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Those shots may ya think you could reach up and stroke those beautiful creatures.

The babies are so BIG almost getting to be the same size as mom there.

Love, love love the one away now, now one asleep....LOL


Norwalk, OH(Zone 5a)

WOW! I can't believe how BIG they are getting! Thanks for the updates & sharing.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Good grief, the chicks look so grown. I can't believe they'll be fledging so soon. All these photos make it seem we're actually seeing this family through our windows-they're so clear and sharp. Well done my friend.

PERTH, Australia

The chicks are growing so fast. No longer do they get around on wobbly legs. They wander around the nest very comfortably. We've had some really strong easterly winds, which come right across the river and roar up the embankment. It worries me that they might be doing some wingerersize when a gust catches them. I think at this stage they flap whilst hanging onto the twigs that make up the nest, which prevents a premature launch into the air, but a couple of days ago, one of them was walking over the top of its sibling flapping like crazy when a gust came. By good fortune it was able to recover, but I keep thinking what if, what if...

Pete, I hand held all of them, but I really am not happy with the 70-200mm lens. I should bring it down on the weekend if you're going to be there and see what you get with your 50D and better skills.

Yesterday was amazing. Big Hook isn't as cranky, but both she and Dad had a whale of a time soaring in the strong winds, flipping upside down and doing mock battles. The quality of these shots is pretty bad, but I thought I'd post them anyway to give you an idea of their aerial manoeuvres.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Another. That's Dad upside down, with Big Hook above him.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Big Hook on the right.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Big Hook doing what she's been doing a lot of lately - screaming.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

I'm quite happy with this shot of Big Hook returning to the nest.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

After Big Hook returned to the nest, Dad continued to soar. After diving down low, just above the water, he was joined by another Osprey. Big Hook's casual attitude to its presence would seem to point to it being Whopper. If it is Whopper, s/he is now 13 months old.

Dad and ? Whopper.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Big Hook watched from the nest in silence (unusual for her).

Dad and ? Whopper.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

After Whopper flew back down towards the river, Big Hook joined Dad for more sessions of fun in the air. Here she's flying up from the nest to join him.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

The kids were very quiet yesterday. Here's a shot showing two of them. The third is just to the right of Big Hook, sleeping.

The forecast is for possible storms this afternoon. If the bureau has it wrong, I'll head down there.

Pete, they are flying up into the bees nest tree frequently. They were sitting together there yesterday, but both were in deep shade and the wind was blowing the foliage (and those bees) in all directions.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Though Big Hook seems to be vocal. It's so nice that the lovely couple has a 'whale of a time' there Margaret. It's so nice to see what could be Whopper in the picture. And the triplets are doing well. Hope you and Pete will have a great time at the nest over the WE as the weather permits. Awesome pics.! Thank you both.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

How fun they must have flying upside down like that. I went parasailing many years ago in mexico and can only imagine what fun they are having soaring through the air like that Great shots!!

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Wow! Love the acrobatics of the parents. Those are beautiful pictures. Really like Big Hook returning to the nest. Nice to see Whopper(?) again. My goodness, those chicks are about to out grow that nest!! They need a bigger condo!!

Great pictures Margaret. Careful of the bees.

Norwalk, OH(Zone 5a)

Awesome! The shots of them soaring are so neat!
Thanks Margaret & Pete for sharing with all of us!

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Seeing them soaring in those winds must have been exciting. I like to think you're right and that's Whopper joining in the fun. Glad she's doing well. Don't be so hard on your photos-they're all just incredible. So glad to hear the chick wasn't bloom out of the nest.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

That sky of yours is RIDICULOUSLY blue

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Quote from Mrs_Ed :
That sky of yours is RIDICULOUSLY blue

It really is isn't it!

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

So glad, to see all the chicks made it this far. Love the enjoyment of the couple in the air. They must of made those acrobatic stunts, to show the kids, how much fun it will be for them, when they take flight. ;) Sure is nice to see, that might be Whopper with Dad soaring together.

Still waiting for that book, Margaret.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I sure hope that the two of you are going to put some photos in the contest here. I've not gone to look at any yet, so you might have already, but just in case ya haven't I hope you both will.

Another incredible set of photos.



PERTH, Australia

It was wonderful seeing them tumbling around the sky and yes, it was fantastic to see who I'm assuming was Whopper.

BeaHive, I remember when I was flying, there were several occasions where I was eyeballing a large bird of prey (I have no idea what it or they were) that was flying at my level. When you've got an engine ticking away to keep you up there, you really do get envious of their amazing capabilities.

LOL about the ridiculously blue sky, Mrs Ed and nanny. Actually, some of those shots were so burnt out, I had to enhance them and the sky ended up bluer than it really was (but not by much).

Burn, it's said that the easiest part of writing a book is the actual writing. I agree with that.

Thanks, Jan. I don't think I'll enter any shots, but maybe Pete will.

I spent a couple of hours at the nest yesterday. The three chicks are amazing. I haven't seen even the slightest rivalry lately. The largest one puts itself forward for first feed, but once it is partially satisfied, it will happily sit and watch as its siblings have their share. Big Hook is wonderful. She seems so much more comfortable with the whole process than the last couple of seasons. She is still a bit cranky, but nothing like last weekend. She did, however, chase Dad off the pole branch after she finished feeding the chicks yesterday. He is choosing to fly onto one particular branch of the bit eucalypt near where I position myself.

Here, the feathers on Big Hook's back bristle as she yells at Dad. Not long after this, she chased him. There's no malice behind her actions, she's just a bit tetchy.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

She returned to the nest after a few minutes and continued to express her mood with vocalisations. This shot really amused me because there's just one eye popping up over Big Hook's back.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Target practice.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia


Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Big Hook yelling at Dad, in the tree above me.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Beautiful. They are growing up to fast!!

Perth, Australia

Well I did a quick visit today at midday as it was very overcast and threatening rain. Behavior was as Margaret described it with mum very scolding and persistent and pa just ignoring events! I also tried a different position initially down on the path below the nest. First photo is of two of the chicks showing real interest in me - I'd visited with Sarah, my son Harry and dog poppy so they were probably confused.

Thumbnail by unsteady
Perth, Australia

The chicks then chose to rest for a while and mum flew off to have a go at pa before returning to the nest - she's very aware of the need for care even with the chicks so grown up.

Thumbnail by unsteady

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