Seed swap?

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

It's really slow here on Cottage Gardening and I'd love to see some action going. Is there any interest in a swap for seeds that are good for a cottage garden? We can throw some ideas out of just what we'd like to see in such a swap. Maybe a wish list swap? A pimp my seed swap might be fun. Anyone?


This message was edited Oct 27, 2011 10:19 PM

Barberton, OH

I have Yellow cosmos, c. sulphurus and Malva Sylvestris to start. Also Cup Plant, Silphium Perfoliatum.


Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

I suspected there might not be enough people here to have a swap. Everyone is spread all over the place now, which means there isn't any great garden sites left. Such a shame.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hi mao, it is. Some of us are still around though. I miss the fun swaps and chats too. Were you looking for any seeds in particular. I have garlic chives, lady in red salvia and chia salvia that I could round up for trade. I love salvias especially

Happy Gardening,

Thumbnail by wind
(Zone 7a)

Count me in, too.

Do you want to do a seed swap on the Cottage Garden forum? We could draw folks in from other forums on dg.

There is a type of seed swap I haven't seen for years on dg - color swaps. If we do a color a month, we might have the whole rainbow under our belts by next spring. Plus, it would liven up the dreary months. We could do red in December, blue in January, yellow in flowers...white flowers...purple..."silver leaves"...purple/red leaves...etc.

Just suggestions. I'm open to anyone else's ideas.

Thanks, Mao, for thinking of this.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

With just four people to start there just isn't any hope for this to work.


Manassas, VA(Zone 7b)

Count me in. If I don't seeds? Can I trow in some plants if that is OK. I never got into this before. It sounds like it will make the long winter days go a little faster.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I have scads of seeds to trade, would love to join. I just sent 80 packets for a round robin trade, am wanting to see what I get in return,(lol). I save seeds all the time and use very little of them myself. Mostly I have perenns, some annuals and few veggies. We could also list a note in some of the other rooms we visit, any ideas? Kathy.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Zone 7a)

Kathy, me too - swaps always result in some seeds I can't use and that need homes.

Okyo, one thing you could do would be to buy one or more packs of seeds. eBay can be an inexpensive source; some family business that other traders use are: - many species, heirlooms, seed exchange; ridiculously low postage - emphasis on cottage & fragrant plants & flowers; located in an arid area - not source of bulk, but packets are generous; low postage, maybe more ridiculous that Hudson's

------------------------------- - a favorite of Illoquin (past member of this forum, her threads are packed with cottage garden & germination lore & info) - packets cost more, but I think you get far more seeds at far fewer pennies than the others; wide variety of new cultivars and hybrids
There are others - y'all feel free to chime in
Okyo, as an example, if you were to buy one packet and split it 6 ways, then you would get back 5 different packets of seeds for the cost of the one you bought in the first place, plus postage. If we do this sort of thing, maybe it would be a good idea to ask each other what they would like to have.
I really do not need any more seeds right now, but I think this could be an excellent way to infuse more life into this forum - hopefully participants might stay around - especially this fall and winter - to share schmoozings about cottage gardening, favorite books, schemes and dreams for the coming summer, and any other related garden or life or off-topic topics.

So, if we do a swap here, I'm still in. We used to do swaps for as few as 10 or 25 packets, and if someone only has one packet, then he/she would be more than welcome to hop in so us more advanced enablers can enable away lol.


(Zone 7a)

Hi Mao,

I can't participate in any seed swaps right now, but wish everyone else happy trading in the future. Cottage gardening has been close to my heart ever since I wandered into my grandmother's New England garden around my 3rd birthday too many decades ago to count. Hopefully, I'll be able to join in some winter garden dreaming on this forum until spring finally comes.

Take care,

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

just posted in a couple of other rooms for others to join, cross your fingers, lol. Also in cottage gardening we're having a discussion of seeds that can be started outdoors (including reseeders). Karen.. does that mean you will stay around to discuss cottage gardening also? Is my favorite topic. Kathy

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I'm interested in a seed swap. Would like to see what the requirements will be. ^_^

(Zone 7a)

Kathy - thank you and yes

Speaking of sowing seeds this fall and autumn - sorry, wrong spot, I just moved this over to Caitlin's thread. Hopefully it'll add to possibilities for what can be sown now.


This message was edited Nov 15, 2011 2:09 AM

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I've got lots of Marigolds and Zinnias left over, also BE Susans and Coneflower seed for scatterpatch gardening.
A few tomatoes and other veggies, too.

Keep in touch if you decide to have a swap.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

are you all chatting a one on one swap or is it a box being passed around ??? or one where all seeds are sent to one person to devide with all ?? if you would like to start a box to be passed I Will join you all but if we have to send seeds & Postage to one person no I Won't join . I Have just sent two robins out this last week with many types of seeds in them if there is anyone here who would like to Join in on the end of those robins I will be happy to let you go through them when they cam back home .

just let me know .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I just found this thread, and I've put a "Watch" on it.

If someone wants something from the New Bee Stash, we can trade for either variety or quantity!

(There's a Have list in first post of this thread, at the bottom of the post.)


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I'm looking for a box of seeds sent around type swap too. ^_^

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

carol that is what my robins are over on the seed trade it just left KY going to sc right now but anyone here that would like to go through it is welcome to contact me when they come back home your welcome to have them sent to you .
there is many to go through.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Susie, I'll check it out.

(Zone 7a)

Susie, thank you from me too - I'll look into it.

To this group, I'll be setting some seeds aside for this group, just in case we have some kind of seed exchange among ourselves - so count me back in. Evidently from the posts so far in this thread, I can see quite a variety of different swaps that might be possible here. A small group like this would be perfect for a theme swap, which would give participants some relative control over what they send/receive, compared to a larger swap.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

your welcome i know there should be plenty to go around . just send me your addresses .
have a great day everyone

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm bumping this thread!

How is this swap going? :)

I have a lot of seed and may even have seedlings to share. I have a lot of my seed disabled on the tradelists, but if you look at my journal you might see what I have growing.

Good to find you all here.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Amanda -- I don't think it ever become a full-fledged swap but I don't know. I lost track. I'd be interested this year. I'm not strictly a "Cottage" style garden but I do have lots of perennial seeds that would go in any kind of a perennial garden. :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

i LOST TRACK OF THIS SIGHT sorry but i will be doing a seed robin in the fall will try to keep you all posted for that .
happy gardening

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi there! Nice to see you - I was just wondering if there is a plant that wouldn't work in a CG garden? Hmmm...

I have a desperate problem - in this old neighborhood, I'm told, someone was in the nursery trade. There are fruit and nut trees and all kinds of oddities within a 3 or 4 square block radius. We are hemmed in by 3 major roadways - anwyay - every year I see something that I covet desperately.

I got some Daisy Fleabane and phlox looking plants from a neighbor's front lawn (weeds!).

Last week I intended to go and get permission to dig up some of the most gorgeous pink oxalis running rampant in someone's front yard. I told Court I needed to do it before they cut the grass, and lo' - what do you think happened when I next drove past?! :/

And NOW another neighbor who has the most exquisite camellias and stone archways and . . . has a tiny white rose creeping out onto the street from a crack in the curb. The flowers are about an inch in diameter, and it is creeping on the ground. I have never seen anything like it, and I ache for it. One of the women that lives there is like, a sheriff's deputy or something, so it's not like I can just dig it up and run. I am green with envy. Someone . . . help!!!

I have to read up on rose cuttings. I think it's time to stop running from the law.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Everyone does seem to define it differently. I'm avoiding a lot of annuals (have a few) and would have mostly perennial seeds.

My fleabane was gorgeous and abundant in the yard this year. ♥ it.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

So pretty! How long does yours flower?

I know they won't last long so I guess I'll try to find something slow growing to put in there to bloom later. I had a start of Red Wine Monarda right there that apparently didn't make it overwinter. That would have been pretty/ Just love the foliage of that plant! Will have to beg Frooty for another rooted cutting.

I guess at this point (!) I'd be thinking this might become a plant swap. I'd be willing to set some potted seedlings aside for something new. I think most of us are probably too busy in the garden to even think about this kind of thing. Thing is - if the weather keeps up it'll probably be too hot after May/June to ship.

Just thinking out loud.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

It blooms April through July here ... this is the common fleabane. It started to bloom way early this year though.

I'm busy in Susie's perennial plant swaps right now ... as well as in the yard like everyone else, but maybe someone will be back here for a small seed exchange or something else fun.

Happy Gardening, all.

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