Merino, Australia

Here we are again , moving chairs & tables.
It was getting a long walk , even though the Tea Room garden is lovely.
I will have to add a few more seats around out there so we can enjoy outdoors during the lovely weather.

The sun is shining here this morning so a nice day is expected. After the cold yesterday it will be pleasant to sit outside.
I will be potting a few more small plants and checking on the irises.
I wish my epis would do something.
Its a bad year for them here. Not as many buds and so slow to open. Usually I have lots of flowers by now.
Oh well. thats gardening for you. Must take the bad years along with the good.
Lots of other flowers to make up for the epis anyway.

I had better pop over the the old Tea Room to leave the sign out so all our friends dont get lost.
Talking of lost, I think I saw someone still wandering in my garden late yesterday. . I wonder who it was. I had better check and see if they found a way out.
I hope you all enjoyed the tour around. I didnt put in all the flowery parts because I wanted you all to see the jungle itself.
Not hard work now, but it was in the beginning. I planned on letting everything grow once it was established. All I do is go along the paths with the hedge clippers out there. There is a bit more trimming done in the other areas closer to the house. Lots of flowering plants need to be cut back a bit when finished. I like to wander around and see how it all grew from the empty paddock . At last count there were about 50 + trees . Blue gum, wattle, ash, melaleuca, nectarine, native hibiscus, native frangipani, japanese maple, red gum, manchurian pear etc...
I should add a before pic . Must add one later if I can find one.
Better go and put that sign out or I'll have Dianne running about looking for the kettle etc.
Hello to everyone out there.

Have happy day.

This message was edited Oct 26, 2011 8:27 AM

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Always forget to add the sign....we came from here...

Brisbane, Australia

A new tea room, excellent. They do get a bit long, don't they.

I am so pleased some of you watched the video of the Mt Cootha gardens. It is a lovely walk there. We didn't cover all of it, but that means there will still be areas to explore next time we go.

Jean, I am finding it a very poor season for flowers here. Usually there are such pretty things to find. At least my epis flowered, and some of the tillandsias too. I'm grateful for that. That was something different. I've heard a few people complain that their buds dropped this year. Maybe the silly-can't-make-up-its-mind weather is behind it all.

I had a doctor's appt today but apparently she has phoned in sick. Will be going tomorrow instead. She does this every time. Maybe she needs a day to psyche up before seeing me? Can't imagine why though :)

Have a lovely day, everyone. We are getting a bit of much needed rain, so will probably remain cool today.


Clifton Springs, Australia

It was me in the garden, Jean...still haven't finished looking.....will do that this afternoon and have a look at Karen's and Chrissy's videos too.
It must be lovely with all of those trees knowing that you planted them....

Nice day today.....have to make an early start so back later...
Enjoy the day everyone...

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Karen, I haven't forgotten you. Ha! I'm watching and don't plan on me and Charley misplacing you all.
Beautiful Fushia, love those colors.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is well and not too tired after going into Jean's jungle. It was a beautiful wander wasn't it? Thanks Jean. Cool and overcast here today. Just how I like it. You can do anything you like in this weather. Jean have you got a pic of your Epi "Clown" to put up please? I know that the one I saw a pic of a couple of years ago was red and white striped but all the pics now that i can find are different. Still beautiful though. Have a bit to do this morning so will go and be back later.Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Colleen, my epi Clown hasnt flowered as yet but it should be bright pink/purple & white . This is a pic of Steve's from Epiforum

This message was edited Oct 26, 2011 3:15 PM

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

beautiful. Thanks for that Jean. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Looks like being another lovely day like yesterday. The sun is out so I will enjoy the day shopping.
Have to rush off as the car is going in for a service early this morning.
Handy when we can leave it , go shopping , then pick it up later.
Hello to everyone, enjoy your day.
Have some with Lemon Shortcake your cuppa.
Happy day. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning all,
Mum and I are off to see Midnight in Paris today...It's supposed to be very romantic....
The Clown is lovely, Jean and Colleen.....hope you both get flowers soon.
Lovely day though there are a few dark clouds as well here....
Glad to hear that your garden tidying is almost over Louise....now you can sit back and enjoy it...
Your GPS must be working Charleen....you caught up very quickly....
back later to report on the film.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It is getting better Dianne, I'm looking for it now.
Jean, yummy Shortcake.

waving as I rush out the door ...the rain has stopped and I think the sun is going to stay for a little bit. ^_^ Happy Day everyone.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Chrissy Light showers passing over here there is a lot of black clouds moving south wards from here . .

Yes Elaine we got drizzle :( and grey sky again, thank goodness it isn't too cold like yesterday.
I have done a fair bit out there before I got too wet, trying to get things done before the heat *laughing* comes back.
Best get some lunch, see you later everyone.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Midnight in Paris....forgetable....showed a lot of promise then went all over the place..oh well.

They showed a preview of " Warhorse" definitely won't be seeing that..I cried during the preview...
The horse was the same colour as my Mick Jagger......even if it has a happy ending, I would still be crying.

Another that does look good is " We bought a zoo." a true story....Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson are in it....

This lovely rose is Summer Song...


Thumbnail by Seachanger
Merino, Australia

I'm back from shopping and without a single plant.
I did get 3 lovely bromeliads in the post though.
I bought a nice pair of slippers too.
I left them in the shop to pick up when we got the car from the garage.
Yes...... I left them behind... silly me..
Lucky the saleslady knows where we live.

It was a lovely day all day and even though there is a bit of cloud cover now, it is still muggy.
I was able to get a new pack of perlite as last time there was none.
I use it a lot in with my potting mix and must get another pack next time.

Hope everyone had a great day. I am going to go out and talk to my irises . There must be a few more new ones out now.
I counted about 30 still to bloom.
catch you all later.
I see the cake is all gone.
Must have tasted nice. ..lol

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Fred was in hospital for two weeks. Came home with tube in. I have to empty the bag it runs into every day...it's making me sick!

He will go back on the 7th Nov to have the tube removed.

Anyway...my Hoyas are starting to flower.
Anyone have a Hoya serpens that I could swap a plant for?
That one is on my wanted list.

Here is Hoya macgillivrayii with it's large flower.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, My Goodness! It's growing in that tree??? That is beautiful. Is the Hoya sorta like an Airplant too. Love it.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. A beautiful morning and FRIDAY. Where are you Shelly? Marlene glad to here that Fred is on the mend. Beautiful Hoya. Sorry I can't help with your Splenens. Elaine glad to hear that you're going okay. Did you buy the house next door? As Dianne said you will be watching that little bud each day and then there will be a big AWWWWWW!!! when you see it open. It really is a special time. This time of the year I'm amazed at the beauty. A time to be thankful for being here. Are you still feeding that Brom addiction Jean? There has been some beauties on E-Bay but boy are the prices good. You'd have to sell your house to pay for them. Anyway have a great day and I'll be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Another lovely morning here. Cool but looks like being like yesterday.
I have seeds to plant and small brugs to repot. The irises are doing really well except for the wind knocking the m about.

Dianne, that species geranium in my garden pics has a smaller cousin all along the edge of the succulent beds.
It cam in pots of epis along with a small upright geranium.
The plants are an exact copy of the larger ones, just quite small. Very dainty to look at.

Hello Elaine, I hope your brug bud opens for you soon.

Hello Anthony, hope you are getting some of this warmer weather down there too.
I am eagerly watching lilium buds.

Hello Karen and Chrissy. Enjoy those gardens up there before the heat arrives in force. Humidity is not too good for some plants or we humans.

Hello Colleen. Brom addiction ???? What brom addiction ???? LOL..
I just couldnt resist a couple for .99 each. They will be cared for and probably sold at the next trash & treasure. I am going to have quite a few pups to sell by then,.
The few I took last time sold quickly. You are right though, som ego for some very high prices.

Hello Teresa, how are things going for you. No more rainy walks to work I hope.
Is Copper enjoying having you home at different times now ?

Hello to Charleen. Moon and Louise. Hopefully, you are all enjoying some lovely Fall weather before winter sneaks in.
Give Charley a hug and lots of cuddles for the girls.

I am off outside to enjoy the day.
Try a piece of this yummy Apple Pie with your cuppa.
There was a large dish of cream in the kitchen, unless "someone" has eaten it all.
Happy day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

That's a pretty pic, Colleen........it must be a pleasure looking at them all....

Marlene.....the 7th will come quickly.....you are doing a good job.....thank goodness Fred is getting better......
I had that lovely Hoya.mac...But it was just too cool for it..in other words I killed it...sob!!!

We have lots of Op shops in our shopping centre and Mum and I got a bargain today....the younger generation mightn't think so...it was a collection of Glenn Miller classics a 7 LP set...I don't think that they had ever been out of their sleeves...$4.50...what a bargain....So the neighbours better like it, they will be hearing it a bit...LOL

It's pouring rain now...lots of lightning and thunder around......hope it rains for a while..

Sunshine Coast, Australia

[quote="ridesredmule"]Oh, My Goodness! It's growing in that tree??? That is beautiful. Is the Hoya sorta like an Airplant too. Love it. [/quote

Hoyas are vines that may climb up or hang down depending on the variety.
I like this one because the flowers are quite large for a Hoya.

Here is a link to my Hoya Album.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Dianne... did you ever see the picture the Glenn Miller Story.
I did many, many years ago and thought it was a great movie. I loved the music too.

Jean...are you a member of that Epiforum?

Colleen...any good plant on Ebay goes for big money.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

getting a fair bit of warm,.,.phew,.,.,we dont need it right now..beautiful sitting outside, amongst the headhigh buds,sipping a 'crabbies' ginger beer,.,.cardiocrinum leaves are the size of an elephants ear,.,.if it would only stay like this all year,'life would be grand'

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Colleen I'm well Next door is not on the market yet its a bit of a joke whate they are doing before they sell or I sould say try to sell like moving walls to have 4 bedrooms so the rooms are so small only big enought to fit a bed and chair in the room -- one bedroom has half a window the room next to it has the other half thate slides open this area is a cheap area compared to a lot of Sydney the av price is in the mid two hundred thousands about 60% are fibro the other 40% are brick its a old housing commission area they told me they are looking at getting about seven hundred thousand the land is the same as mine so they are in a dream world before they start.
It sure is going to be fun watching it all play out.

My little bud is getting fat we had sun to day but I move the pot under cover at night just in case we get heavy rain over night.

Dianne since reading about your buy Golden Wedding is playing in my mind my memory tells me thate was one of Glenns big tunes .

Love It !

have a lovely night everyone ^_^ (I have visitors )

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I grew up listening to Glenn Miller...he was my Mom's favorite.


Clifton Springs, Australia

Kettle is on, raisin bread is toasting, can't you smell it.....
Cups on the table, can I hear you on the path Jean.?
Big weekend on the Bellarine....Art exhibitions, markets, Toast to the Coast, which is a wine and food tasting tour of a few wineries.....one of them specializes in Abalone, yum......

Jean, did you send sluggies to my garden?....I have them......@#$%#@$$#. 21mm last night...lovely.

Thanks for the links, Chrissy and Moon.....they were wonderful music makers back then......
It's great putting a record on, there is something very nostalgic about them...my record player looks like
a juke box...lol...it only cost $45, but it plays all records...it's a little ripper...

Have a great day.
Edited to say...... Anthony if it was perfect everyday you wouldn't appreciate it...My Cardi's have lovely big leaves with snail decorations....

This message was edited Oct 29, 2011 7:50 AM

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. We had a nice thunder storm go through here yesterday. It brought some relief from the heat and a lovely lot of rain for the garden. It was very muggy all night. I had to put the fan on to sleep but this morning is lovely. I bought myself another trailer yesterday. My poor old other one was getting quite delapidated , and everytime John took a load of rubbish out I expected him to leave it at the tip. I'm still waiting to get my fence done. The bloke has broken his ribs. Once I get that done, hopefully I can get the galahs moved into a bigger home up the back and then move the smaller cage up there too and maybe some room for a new Shadehouse. I will be getting a new rainwater tank as well with a pump so that i will be able to water the back garden from them. The little bit of lawn will be water from the mains. It should save me quite a bit on the water bill I hope. The mulch from the old pine stump has dried out beautifully and I reckon there will be 10-15 bags there. The Broms will love that. The stump might have cost me $66 to get mulched but I think I've come out on the winning end this time. Well must go , the boys are up, no sleeping in for them. Have a great day and i'll be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. I was up early, but ran outside to get some iris pics before the rain spoiled them.
It is only showery, but quite dark in the west where the rain is coming from.. Showery yesterday afternoon too after a lovely day.
Looks like a greenhouse day today.

Hello Anthony, hope all your buds pop open soon. Nice to be relaxing among them.

Hello Chrissy. and Dianne. I love that music too. I wore out all my aunts records when young.
Golden Wedding ....... Elaine, I played that so much, the hole in the middle was so big, the record wouldnt play properly in the end.
Dianne, would I send sluggies to you ?? Yes, I believe in sharing ..ha ha..
I was given some pots the other day and had to clean lots of snails off them. Funny thing, they were from the neighbor. The snails must be moving up from town.... help.....

Hello Colleen. You are going to have fun getting your yard organised. You may have to go up in future . I see 2 storey shadehouse... lol..

Hello Marlene, hope Fred is coming along okay now.
Hello Moon and Charleen. cookies for Charley..
hello Louise. How are you doing with the weeds ? Hugs for the girls.

I am going to have to get out and move a few pots later as i need to make a bit of room around them so I can get in to water.
I find the brugs in pots with their large leaves , shed the rain water , so it doesnt get into the pots

Have a great weekend everyone.
I hope the weather stays nice for you all.
Have some of this Chocolate Ginger Slice .
Happy gardening.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Look at my Garden room I made in miniature 1/12
I didn't make the fountain back in the corner but everything else, yep!!

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Brisbane, Australia

Hello everyone. Great to read all the posts this morning. Enjoying a cuppa with that Choc ginger slice, Jean. Yum.

Hi Anthony. Don't think I've said hi in a while. Glad you are getting some warmth. Still having cool mornings here.

Hows Charley boy today, Charleen? Hugs and nuzzles all round.

My Hoya Pubicalyx X unk is in flower this morning. The dark flowers are very dark. Amazing how it gets the two in one bunch like this.


Thumbnail by DawnSong
Brisbane, Australia

Charleen, that looks like fun. What is the medium you use?

I simply had to post this, out this morning, Grace Ann. Simply gorgeous.


Thumbnail by DawnSong
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Karen, Charley is great. That hoya is beautiful. Love the nearly black bloom
That one is a beauty too.
Karen I use polymer clay. it is very forgiving when I mess up and I do!! I just smoosh it back together and make something else. I use Sculpylll, Primo or Fimo. Whatever is the right color.
Charley sends you nice nuzzles..

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good Morning to you all. Our first chilly morning has arrived...but will warm up again in a couple days.

Charleen, your miniature garden room is so sweet.

Off to the Motorcycle rally today. Hope everyone has a lovely week's end.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Still showery here but not too windy or cold.
I still need a jumper until after lunch but the plants are loving the showers.
Lots of potting to do today and a bit more moving of plants to make more room.

Hello Anthony, I am looking at some liliums that are showing color in the buds. Yippee, flowers soon.

Hello Dianne, Colleen and Karen. I love all your epis , but am still waiting on mine.
Luckliy the irises make up for that.

Hello Chrissy, Elaine and Teresa. I hope you are all enjoying some lovely sun.

Hello Moon, Charleen and Louise.
Love the little garden, Charleen, so pretty.
I know you are liking the bit of cooler weather but I do hope you dont get the other extremes in winter.
Dont want to have to come over and dig you out of the snow.

I am leaving something yummy for you all to enjoy....Blackberry Coffee Cake.
Have a great day and stay safe..

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Cool but fine here Jean. The boys had a great time at a birthday party yesterday. The whole class plus some extras were there. They were really tired out last night though. Karen, Grace Ann is truly beautiful. My Epis have been lovely this year too. I still have lots of buds to come. Quite a few buds on the broms so that will be nice to see some flowers too. I don't get brom for the flowers though, I get them for the foliage and boy are there some lovely ones.I particularly like the Vrieseas. Vr. Platynem varigata is especially lovely. Will put a pic up to show you. I hope everyone is feeling well today. everyone enjoy your day. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. Hey, no pics to share today, all the flowers are just about finished, and all repeats anyway.

Colleen, that brom is magnificent. Love it!

Going to plot a plan for the day now Barry is up. Might go down the Coast, or something. Hope you all have a great day.


Clifton Springs, Australia

Blah, cold , wet and miserable.....
I'm not moving today.....going to bake a walnut and carrot cake this morning...and sit.

We went to the Portarlington Pelargonium show, beautiful white double hanging in a basket caught my eye, amazing colours available now.....
Lovely pic of your Grace Ann.....Karen.

There are a lot more Broms in my local nurseries now, lots of pretty colours in them...very expensive though, most around $20/30.....
You have some lovely ones Colleen.
We are going to be last with the Epi flowering, Jean.....I can see one red and one pink starting to open..
Charleen, what a clever idea.....

Be happy doing what you're all doing....

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you, Dear friends. Yes, we got cold weather moving in after a nice little rain last night.
Beautiful blooms.
Abeautiful pink morning glory....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

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