"May Night" or "Cardonna" salvia

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Can these plants be started from seeds or best to buy the starter plants in the Spring from a garden center/nursery? I tried looking in the DG Plant files and there are so many different varieties of Salvia..Never realized there were all those different ones.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Both 'May Night' and 'Caradonna' are hybrid cultivars and likely wouldn't come true from seed, so if you want those exact cultivars you ought to buy plants rather than seeds.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, I was thinking that and couldn't seem to find any research to back my thoughts up. They're going on my Wish List for 2012..

This message was edited Oct 23, 2011 6:26 PM

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

I don't know about Caradonna, but my May Night seeds all over and it does seem to come true from seed.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Caradonna seeds all over, even between bricks, and looks weedy. It's pretty in bloom but not so pretty when it's so weedy looking. If the seeded plants aren't the same as the mother plant, they are close enough that I can't see the difference.

Thumbnail by pirl
Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

Pippi21~ I have May Night but not Caradonna. I personally love the variety of size and color you can get from salvias. What is your reason for choosing these particular two?

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Interesting that Pirl gets seedlings from Caradonna. I have a big clump of 5 plants that is about 3 ft wide and I have never had a seedling. Hmmm. I have both and love both. I agree they do have a 'bad' period after they bloom the first time. They have to be cut back to basal foliage but then they come back and bloom for me until hard frost finally does them in for the season.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

pirl....how tall does the cordona get? Also in the back right side of photo...what is the campanula? Kathy.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey pipi.... If you might be interested in growing Salvia nemerosa (superba, 24"hX24"w, blooms may to frost ), I have in both purple or pink. This variety is a bit lighter (purple) in color and taller than May Night. I have many plants that my daughter wants removed from under some of her shrubs. Kathy.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Frah - too many stray seedlings from 'Caradonna'.

Kathy - I'd guess around 24" but I never measured. The campanula is 'Chettle Charm' - lovely and carefree.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

pirl..looks like its tall, thoght that variety is only about 30". Was kinda hopeing it was c. pyamidalis (gets to 5ft, lol was looking for personal growth info and habits), yes chettle charm is a beauty, if I remember right is blue with some white shading isn't it? Think I'll pass on growing the caradona, got plenty of reseeders. lol. Pix is a white salvia might be nererosa also, still waiting in a pot to be planted. kathy.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'll try and measure it next year, Kathy.

Chettle Charm is such a pale blue that it appears white in sun but more like lavender in the shade of the Crape Myrtle.

Lovely white salvia! I'm looking for tall blue/purple and so far I have found seeds for Blue Cloud, salvia transylvanica, which gets to 30" the first year. I'm still investigating it.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Pirl...please remember to contact me in the spring as I have babies of s. transylvantica and need to find a home for them. Kathy.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Kathy. I'll try to remember.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Salvia 'caradonna' is probably the plant in my yard that gets the most comments from non-gardeners. People really like it, as do I. I think I have May Night somewhere in my yard, too, but no pics.

Thumbnail by kosk0025
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Caradonna is a striking plant and most people do comment on it favorably. It's just the basal rosette that doesn't appeal to me but I live with it because of the blooms. Some of mine stand up straight and tall while others lean a bit to the left or right. I do enjoy that aspect.

Thumbnail by pirl
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Kosk... How old is your alchemilla (Lady's Mantle), I've had for a year and mine is much smaller, so far I love it.

Pirl...and as usual your iris are just gorgeous, something soo pretty should have fragrance. Lol.

Pix: this will be one of my first to bloom....in a few months. Alyssum Basket of Gold (P), and love it's fragrance.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

That was the alchemila's second season in that location. They started as 4 inch pots from a nursery. I have 2 freebies that popped up from self sowing. Love those bonuses.

I love basket of gold. I should get some of that. I think it blooms close to the same time as iberis (candytuft) around here. I also need to add some heathers. I only have a few, and they are blooming right now. so cheerful

Thumbnail by kosk0025
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

What is the name of the red flowered plant next to your Cardonna salvia in last picture? My first guess was sedum but doesn't look like sedum foliage. I did not find cardonna yet but I've only been to HD and our local garden center where I haven't seen either.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

It's centrathus ruber, aka red valerian, Jupiter's beard. Self sows too much, but I love it.

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