CLOSED: Poke Weed seeds for trade

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I have a lot of Poke Weed seeds that are ripening. Would love to trade for other seeds. LMK what you have.


Thumbnail by ilovejesus99
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Well if it was April 1st I could say April Fools but wellllll it is not so it is Whoops wrong picture...Try again

Thumbnail by ilovejesus99
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)


Thumbnail by ilovejesus99
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Darnit I give up....But the second picture is it.

Dayton, TX(Zone 8b)

I'll bet the birds like those berries!! If they do, I would love to trade for some.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Yes the birds love them. If you would like you could come for a visit and I think I have a small one you could take home. I live in Mont Belvieu. Send me a d-mail. I would meet you but my truck blew a head gasket. I am sure I have more than Poke Weed :)

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

I love poke weed. Grows wild here in the hedges and pastures. I was so fond of it i'm thinking of moving some here to my garden. All nice pictures, even the non pokeberry ones! :)

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Is this invasive in TX? It sure is in GA.. I always leave a few around our yard for the birds.. They grow all over our farm and rural roadsides..Berries make a great dye, and greens are good in salad..


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Invasive here too, but some people eat the leaves in spring. The birds love the berries: people who hang out their white laundry or who like to keep their windshields clean do not.

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Lol!!!! Oh dear.... Maybe i won't move it here, in our move to self efficiency/sustainability we'll be hanging our clothes on nicer days. Hadn't really thought of that....

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I don't mind the mess-you can always tell what the birds have been eating by the amount of purple on the car, lol - and I can live with a rewash of a piece or two once in a while. My neighbor who always hangs her clothes out, however, complains of the stains all the time and my Uncle who lives across town and is a clean car freak dreads this time of year.

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

This time of year is too rainy for hanging clothes out here. :( i love those nice sunny fall days but this gloomy stuff is getting me down.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I don't have that big of problem with it being invasive. It does freeze and comes back bigger the next year. I haven't noticed many birds but hope to. They are just too beautiful not to have and they are easy to pull up when they are small. From what I have read on the internet they must go through a bird before the seeds will sprout. My son is a clean freak and has a white car and I don't see anything on it. But could be because he washes it alot. Hope he thinks it is berries and not Poke weed :)
There is no tree hanging over his car either.
OutlawHeart81 if you think of it if it is that invasive it will make it to your yard anyway. You are just giving it a head start. Being in Texas I have had it atleast 4 years and have no problem I can't pull up or give a small shot of Round up.

Now my neighbor is mass growing Poison Ivy Grrrrrrrrrr. He agreed to let us spray it (I supply the spray another Grrrrr) but his yard is so full of junk it is hard to get to. I did buy 4 bottles of ready to spray killer this last week.

Thanks for the compliments on my pictures including the Non-Poke Weed :)

Have a Great Weekend!!!

Dearborn, MI

As far as germination, I have grown a variety called Phytolacca Silberstein. Birds didn't eat the seeds I grew and they germinated just fine.
Less anyone is unaware, the leaves from pokeweed have to be prepared in a certain way or they are poisonous. Be careful.

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