Not sure I'm in the right place?

Coral Springs, FL(Zone 10b)

Does this forum include Cincinnati? I am not sure where exactly this city falls here in these forums! (I might be way off- and its the Mid Atlantic forum) If it's here- then I am in the right place! If not, then can someone point me in the right direction?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi Amy!

First of all - you are welcome here anytime. We don't draw boundaries! ^_^

But, I think the is an Ohio River Valley forum.

Thomaston, CT

Cincinnati must have similar growing conditions to the northeast.......

Coral Springs, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks folks! I kept looking at all the different zone maps to figure out which forum to go to to ask questions about Cincinnati. I'll wander over there to see who I might find who is from there.

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