Morning Glories (different)?

I had some this year and don't know where they came from nor what they are. They are double. One is light blue with red inside and the other is pink with white but looks like a feather duster. Really strange looking plants.

Thumbnail by mekos

Trying to show a picture of the bud.

Thumbnail by mekos

This is the pink one.

Thumbnail by mekos

This is the blue one. Very double.

Thumbnail by mekos

The vine ran across another pot of flowers so the green you see is not from it.

Thumbnail by mekos

Here is another.

Thumbnail by mekos

And the last one.

Thumbnail by mekos
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

higes... the red one looks like what I have growing right now too.. I got mine from Fruity.. I had some growing last year, but they didn't set seeds.. had some white ones too, but not any blues... hope yours set seed, Jan!

Thumbnail by joeswife

Thanks Debra, mine have no seeds as of now.

Gautier, MS

Beautiful blooms Jan!

Debra those are some huge leaves on yours!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh Dear, well some of those leaves are lav moon vine, some are summer squash and some are other i nils, so they are all mixed up and happy together there..

My red/white one doesn't have any seeds yet but I just saw 2-3 seed pods on the double blue one. Not ready to be harvested yet so I'll try and watch for those to dry and catch some.
Debra if your double red/white has seeds I'd love to get 4-5 seeds of it, yours is more double and frilly that mine.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am going to get seeds from this one, I am sure. Pods galore.

Thumbnail by joeswife

If you notice on mine, the front is just like the normal MGs but the back side is frilly. Yours and Jon's are all frilly and double all over. Like my blue ones. I love those.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

those are beautiful !!! has anyone come up with a name?

The red/white ones are called Higes don't know what the blue ones are.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

sorry i didnt realize higes was the name. so much to learn.

John told me his was named Pink Feathers, I think mine was from him but open pollinated to come out as it did. But this is a link to it.

(Zone 7a)

Risingcreek - This thread - -discussed higes, but to get deeper into higes, be sure to follow this thread's links, especially Dr. Yoneda's link here - -

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

wow, i have been reading MG links since yesterday. had to take notes cause i was getting confused. so much information. i think i will never try to cross or do anything technical, but i love all the different varieties and colors. i now have a huge wish list of MGs to search for. thank you

(Zone 7a)

Risingcreek, I'm glad to see you have now become hooked on the beauty of morning glories. That's the main thing, to enjoy them, and you don't need any technical stuff to do that. But if you ever get a hankering to experiment, all ya gotta do is to swish the anthers over the pistil. That is the essence of making a cross.

The sticky index has a section under POLLINATION with a few how-to articles, some very accessible to the non-technical. How about humoring me and take a small bite out of Dr. Yoneda's how-to?

-- Start with Dr. Yoneda's link under pollination -
-- Next click on ASAGAO in the middle under "Beginner's Guide"
-- Then click on "Table of Contents"
-- Then click on "Let's watch a pistil and stamens in flower"
-- Then back space to the Table of Contents again, and click on "Crossbreeding makes beautiful flowers"

I would just read through the above for understanding, not to memorize anything. But if you do want to go deeper, look at the other links under "pollination" in the sticky index, choose the easiest one to read and read that.

If you get this far, then you have had Lesson 1 in morning glories, and then maybe you could take another bite. You're right, there is a lot to learn, but it can fun bite by bite (sorry, but who could resist this pun this close to Halloween?)

If, in the future, you find yourself growing a morning glory you reallyreally love and would like for seeds from it to produce flowers like the parent, then you would follow the same steps as above, except that you would be applying pollen from anthers to the pistil, all in the same flower, as opposed to using one flower for anthers/pollen and another for pistil.

If and when you ever get the urge, feel free to ask any questions. The only stupid question around here is the one not asked :)

karen, who is one of the enablers of this forum

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

my crimson ramblers have been blooming for months. (i learned what they were courtesy of a DGer i had no idea) i saved a lot of seeds and let a lot drop, hoping to have more in the same place next year. i did learn not to plant anything i dont want covered in vines close to them. they climbed up sunflowers, roses, cannas, everything, but are so beautiful to see it was ok. later tonight i will start with the link you just sent and go from there. i really dont remember much from my botany classes, it is like starting school all over again (30 yrs later)
thank you

Thanks for posting all the research links. Today I had a real double on my pink ones vine. The whole flower was ruffled not just the back side like the others I showed. This was gorgeous to have them different all on the same vine. WOW.
I now have seed pods on my double blue ones but still no sign of seeds on the pink one yet. Keeping my fingers crossed though.

(Zone 7a)

You're welcome, kc & mekos.

Mekos, we love pictures of wowzers around here.

Thanks :-)

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm growing the 'sunrise seranade' which looks like yours, Debra. I bought the plant about 2 years ago, and collected seeds and have 2 plants growing and blooming.

Thumbnail by Inthegarden

I am so blessed! A friend on my FB page sent me seeds for her Kikyo Ice, and she has the Hige Double dark blue and double red and sent me seeds from all these to try this spring. Also sent me a surprise mix from her favorites. I can't wait. Her blooms are awesome. I couldn't believe how gorgeous her Kikyo Ice was. I should be in Morning Glory Heaven this summer. Hope you all have a wonderful day. This is her web site, be sure to check out her blooms.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

mekos, I looked at lakemarygarden's site and she has the mg 'sunrise serenade'. I believe that's what you have. Mine is still going strong with lots of blooms.

Mine started out looking single with a funny back, then more like( Sunrise Serenade), then the last few blooms were all doubled as the blue was. I'm not sure what happened. She just sent me some of the Kikyo ice and the dark double blue , Hige mix,and some mystery seeds to try also so I am looking forward to next years blooms.

victoria, Canada

Morning Glory growing wild in Chiapas garden. Thick, very fuzzy leaves. Ruffled, pink flowers with white throat clustered on v. short flower stems. No scent. Any ideas? Is this even a morning glory?

Thumbnail by suzanne_cook

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