diminutive gems

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

i just ordered some Fragrant (hardy) cyclamen & primroses...anyone else growing these sweet lil jewels?

Chardon, OH

Yes, I have the hardy fragrant cyclamen here in Cleveland, Ohio. I love them. I use them as a ground cover is lightly shaded areas. In spring the varigated foliage appears, then about Sept the little pink flowers appear just when everything else in my shade garden is finished for the year.

Also they are naturalizing well. Worth the high price for the corms.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

What is the fragrance like on these - strong/soft...wafting?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

Some can be quite wafting but i am growing mine in the greenhouse so they will be close to my nose & the soil in my garden dissolves them (solid clay). I'd like to have enough so that i have some blooming just about all year; they have diff bloom times...Phyllis..would Love to see some photos!!

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