need advise, moving from NY to TN

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Finally looks like I have a buyer for my house, closing in Dec or Jan, Have tons of perennnials I want to bring with and need to know the best way to move them, I was thinking bare root, after cutting back and wrapping in newspaper, any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Sounds like you've got the right idea. Are you planning on planting in Tenn in the spring? Keep your plants cool but don't allow to freeze.

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

I would like to get them in the ground as soon as we get there, we haven't had a frost here yet and thought I'd wait til that happens before I start digging and then put them in my basement until moving day. Wonder if the ground isn't frozen down there if it would be ok to plant them asap?.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hey kobwebz!

I'm in maryville TN, that's on the far eastern side and no frost as of yet!

Dig them up and place them in a plastic shopping bag and close it up around the base of the plant to keep from drying out. Make sure there are no air hole around the roots. Do this after you watered your garden. You don't want to water when they are potted in the bag due to rotting. Once potted, trim plant down to one-third to balance with the root system. This is the way I bring plants to my daughter.

If you have too many plants, just set priority and bring those that are hard to get, or sow. Ex. if I was going to move, my iris, daylilies and Sempervivums (95+ varieties) would be high on my list to travel.

Good luck in your new state.

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

VajraMother, we are moving to Columbia, anywhere near you? Thanks for the advise Blomma, Looks like we'll be closing the end of Dec or Jan, wnder if I should try to put in the ground when we get there are wait til early spring?

This message was edited Oct 17, 2011 9:44 AM

kobwebz. Weather to plant them in the ground or not depends on how you bring them. If they are potted they can stay in the pot until spring. You can even bury the pot. I have done that until I knew where to plant it.

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

I will be bringing them bare root

If you are bringing them bareroot you will have no choice but to plants them. Make sure you trim back the growth to 6" to balance the root system.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

You can save some seeds before digging them out - just in case. Good luck with the move.

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