Wanted scutellaria seeds

Townsville, Australia

Ok, I did a big no no and accidentally threw out all my scutellaria seeds by mistake.I want to grow as many scutellaria varieties that I can get my hands on, I
have various scutellaria seeds saved from plants so really fresh.

I have scutellaria barbata,baicalensis,tesselata,resinosa,tournefortii,formosana,costaricana 'alba',ventenatii,indica var saponica,havensis,a little nana var sapphrina,lateriflora
Looking to add to this little collection:

Anybody else collect this interesting lamiaceae genus:)


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Hi Annette,

A bit late reply, but seed collecting and packing is just done here.

I can offer you Scutellaria altissima and a not yet identified Scutellaria (see picture). I got it as S. salvifolia, but that's not true. I tried to identify it, but until now whithout any succes.

Further I have a few new ones in the Lamiaceae family (besides of the ones that are already on my website):

Salvia glutinosa
Salvia subrotunda
Salvia verticillata alba
Stachys monieri
Stachys sylvatica
Teucrium chamaedrys


Thumbnail by JonnaSudenius

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