CLOSED: Have: for SASBE - Blue Lace flower & Venidium 'Zulu Prince'

(Zone 7a)

I have 7 offers. The first 7 people will get 1 of each pack (both).

Please send a S.A.S.B.E. with enough postage for a pack of seeds and a Note that says "Blue Lace & Zulu"
*** I am in the address exchange:

Blue Lace Flower:

Venidium 'Zulu Prince':


I am looking for Black & Creme De Cassis Hollyhock seeds. If anyone has either for Postage or trade...I can send these seeds and any other seeds from my trade list.
Thanks, Kim

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I would love to have the seeds you offer. I will send what you require tomorrow.

Bulverde, TX

Hi Kim,
They are both beautiful! I would like some. I will send out the SASBE tomorrow. Thanks!

Carmel, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi, Kim:

I don't have anything on your trade list, but would love to do for postage. Thank you for this generous offer.


(Zone 7a)

Kim, I would love these seeds. Thanks for offering. Envy will go out tomorrow.

This message was edited Oct 5, 2011 7:23 AM

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Try asking Lazlo about the Hollyhock seeds. He usually has a great variety.

(Zone 7a)

OK Thanks

Pretoria, South Africa


Sent you Dmail.

(Zone 7a)

5 Count so far...

Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

sending you Dmail :)

(Zone 7a)

My seeds came today. Thank you so much! The extra was a surprise. ^_^

(Zone 7a)

Yeah...I looked on your want list because you used so many stamps. I should have let you know $.64 stamp would have been enough :-)
I wanted it to be worth your stamps...

(Zone 7a)

Oh! Thank you, again, because I never know how many stamps to put on. ^_^

This message was edited Oct 14, 2011 7:33 PM

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I received mine yesterday. Thanks, Kim!

Bulverde, TX

Hi Kim! Got my seeds yesterday too. Thank you so much!
-Rebecca :)

Carmel, IN(Zone 5b)


Thanks so much--my seeds arrived today. Actually, they arrived last week while I was on vacation, so were at the post office until today. Can't wait to grow these next year!

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