Gerbera question

Morgantown, WV

Ok I grew my gerberas from seed last winter. Some are looking pretty now. I brought in three different plants that I had in containers. I made up some new soil like al uses on this site. I have had two in for a couple weeks and they still look nice. Tonight I gave in and brought in the third I shook off some dirt and through the plant into a pot with new dirt this evening. It feels so cold here tonight. I have lights to keep them under. Is there any chance these plants will survive the winter? I know they are annuals.

Tuckahoe, NY

Gerberas are perennials in their native South Africa, and can be overwintered indoors, but its not very easy. You need good sun and they are susceptible to spider mites and whiteflies, so you may need to spray for those. If you have a coolish sunny area it is worth a try.

(Debra) Garland, TX

They might be more tender perennials. I'm in the Dallas area (8A) and have some planted outside that come back every year. So your chances of growing them indoors through winter are at least better than 50/50. :)

Morgantown, WV

Thanks, I have been reading and just ordered Bauer 12-month systemic to use on my plants. I am going to try to grow some coleus from seed and I read the Bauer stuff works well with the bugs. I will have them under fluorescent lamps most of the time. I would be pleased if I could get these to live. All three are different colors.

(Debra) Garland, TX

They are fun, aren't they. :-)

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Every year my mother brings her favorites into an unheated utility room that is partially underground and has very little light. Temperatures occasionally fall to freezing in there and sometimes stay that way for several days in January. She inspects for pests regularly and waters very very sparingly through February. In March she brings the somewhat ragged looking plants into more light and gradually introduces them to outdoor conditions as temperatures moderate. They are spectacular specimens.

Morgantown, WV

I de died to let you know. Middle of nov. I repotted plants in al' s formula for pots. I have kept them under fluorescent lights. They are now producing new flowers. Leaves look healthier than they did outside. It will be interesting in Jan when I will need to use my fluorescents lights for my new seeds.

(Debra) Garland, TX


Morgantown, WV

I was suppose to say decided! Geeze what a terrible way to start a sentence lol

(Debra) Garland, TX

Just read like you had a cold. [grin]

I'm happy that one of mine survived this drastic summer and is coming back up with the cooler weather and some rain. Only had one bloom this year, but I have hope!

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