CLOSED: Want: Maximilian Sunflower seeds/rhizomes

Mesilla Park, NM

I'm looking for the perrenial sunflower seeds for Helianthus maximiliani, I had it in CA and thought we would never move so I traded all my seeds and well, we moved.. lol,

I'd love either seeds or rhizomes of this and have lots of seeds of several varieties of sunflowers, Creme de Cassis Hollyhocks and i do have some of the Yellow tipped flowering Yucca seeds, which is very rare around here, you only see it in nurseries or Arizona. It did produce seedpods and not all of the Yellow flowering ones are producing seedpods, don't know why. I also have the red tip yucca seedpods if anyone wants those.

I can take a photo closeup of the yuccas I'm talking about, can be seen here along with the red tipped yuccas hesperaloe parvifolia, they really can take the heat, full sun, and didn't get hurt by the cold freeze had this past winter.

All these seeds are from my garden and are from this year's harvest.



Thumbnail by Gourd
Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

I have lots of Maximillian sunflower volunteers. I would be happy to dig up a couple for you. D-mail me.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Just a note Gourd - the yellow flowered Hesperaloe is even hard to come by here sometimes unless you want to pay big $$ at a nursery or happen upon one you can dig wink wink;o) They are beautiful in bloom! I was told at my fave nursery that they are tissue cultured - that is why they are hard to find and expensive sometimes if you do find them. They are pretty indestructible - and love Arizona summers. I wonder how the seeds will do since they are TC plants? Do you ever get volunteers? I see them so much that I really don't pay much attention to whether or not they have seed pods but sure will now because I'm curious!


Mesilla Park, NM

Kaitlan, thank you for the offer.

Hi Kelly,
yes, it was difficult to find and I did finally find them at the cactus nurseries there in Phoenix, I don't remember which one had them, I think it may have been Bachs. Let me know if you want some seeds. I may plant some to see how the seeds do and to see if they even bloom, sometimes it appears that the plants have difficulty when it is time for the flowers to open up. I do have some volunteers of the red yucca, but I haven't seen any from the Yellow flowering ones. We do have decomposed granite around most of that area so it is very difficult for anything to reseed on it's own in the cactus areas. That could be the reason there aren't as many volunteers, I just thought about that.

This is the third year with the yellow flowered and they seem to be blooming much better than the first year.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks! I would love to try some seeds if you have extras. I have a lot of different seeds but right now they are sooooooooo disorganized. I'll look at your want list and see if I might have something you want... Or if there is something from this area you really want lemme know and I'll see if I can find it for you. I'm curious to see what comes of the yellow seeds.

They will bloom better every year, so will the red. They are a nice dose of color in the summer when not much is blooming!

I have the Max sunflowers I got from a local DG friend. The only problem with them is they are TALL and heavy. I need to tie them up sometimes - lol. They are just now starting to bloom. And the spider mites love them - grrrr. The bottom leaves look awful in the heat so I have to try and plant them behind something to cover the ugly leaves.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

OK, I see you are wanting Turk's Cap;o) The freeze last year killed mine but I have friends that have them and can likely get you a start or two. We have our fall swap on the 29th so I'll put a request out if you still want one. Not sure which one it is (red flowered) but likely they will know!

Mesilla Park, NM

you can have the seeds for sase, no trade is necessary (I have bubble envelopes so it would be probably 1.70 in postage for several packs of seeds) You can send the postage when you get your envelope. Let me know if you want any of the other seeds, I have plenty of the sunflowers, tithonia, Moy Grande Hardy Hibiscus, Cosmos, and the Yucca... I am going to be sending out some envelopes this coming week that have been waiting on the Hib seeds to dry.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Surprise me:-) Thanks a bunch! This is perfect planting time and I will try and grow anything once. Or twice lol. I am in the exchange if you're not let me know and I'll d-mail my addy. Happy Friday!

This message was edited Oct 7, 2011 7:32 AM

Mesilla Park, NM

Alrighty, seeds will go out probably Mon/Tues. Got your address.

Happy Saturday!


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yay! Thanks;o)

Mesilla Park, NM

Seeds were sent this morning, I forgot Monday was a holiday.. let me know when they arrive please.. tks..

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Ooooh maybe tomorrow then - I'll let you know!

Central, TX(Zone 8b)


Wildseed Farms in Texas sells the seeds for this plant along with other wildflowers! Give it a look-see...

Ms. Tommie

Mesilla Park, NM

Ms. Tommie, hello,
I've ordered seeds from them in bulk in the past and never thought to check with them. I've got a couple of dgers that have dmailed me that are sending me some seeds, but thank you so very much for giving me this info.

Kelly, a couple of the envelopes arrived at some of the places I sent them to, hopefully you will get yours today. I was really surprised at the postal service this time, they got there in two days.. and a couple of states away to boot.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Mine arrived this morning! My kids are on break and called to tell me I had a package from NM lol. Thanks again. Can't wait to see what you sent!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

My inquisitive self has gotten the better of me,did they get there and are you ok with them,

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh J,,, they arrived and look fantastic, my DH just got home from work and picked the seeds and rootstock ... THANK you so much and I owe you big time!!

Mesilla Park, NM

P.S. J,
I just sent you a dmail.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

A - here are a couple pics of mine... I love them!

Thumbnail by locakelly
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Close up with the requisite bee - lol. The bees love these sunflowers!

Thumbnail by locakelly
Mesilla Park, NM

I can hardly wait till next year and mine start to bloom especially with Juhur's rootstock he sent, I'll have a headstart. Kelly, yours look great and all those blooms, I love them, they look so cheerful and bright. Thanks for posting the pictures..Next year I'll hoard some make sure I have some for the future.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

They make a gazillion seeds... and I believe they spread by runners as well since I totally had some pop up not so near to where I planted the original one. They love full sun but the bottom leaves get kind of ratty so best to have something in fromt of them to cover the rattiness - lol... And they get heavy and fall over - I have to tie mine up sometimes they are so heavy with blooms;o)

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I brought two of the roots with me from I love these guys. Besides bees loving them, the goldfinches used to swoop from plant to plant to get the seeds. So if you plan on saving seeds, you might want to put a nylon cover over some of the blooms.
And Gourd, did you ever notice that goldfinches love to sit on a zinnia plant and eat the seeds? This may be why you found it hard to harvest the zinnias, they probably got the easier seeds to extract before you got to them. I don't see many goldfinches here, but they do have them and one or two have visited the feeders.

Mesilla Park, NM

Hello Windy,
My original plants were from your seeds (a trade years ago). I love them too. You are probably right regareding the zinnias. The seedheads seem to have very few seeds on them., , I've seen some gold finches sitting around there and also a larger bird that looks twice the size of the finches, same colors on it. I always thought they were small birds. Did you put the roots into the ground right away? or in pots, I just put the one I got into the ground in a raised bed, I hope it will be safe and make it through the winter.

Kelly, be sure to bag some seedheads to collect seeds just in case I need

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

They should be fine in your zone in the ground now. I hate holding things over in pots as I forget to water them and they do poorly.
When I moved to this house in the fall I planted the Maximilliani sf roots and this year they bloomed. I think they are pretty hardy having dug them up twice and moved them three times.

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