Fall Bloomers

Yardley, PA

My double pink adenium finally decided to bloom after I brought it in for the winter. It is so pretty

Thumbnail by Sally0
Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

Beautiful Sally! I've never seen a double like that one.

Fort Wayne, IN

Very Pretty. A few of mine were ready to bloom but when I brought them in the blooms turned brown a fell off. Mine are in well draining soil and I know you grow yours in hydroponics. I wonder if I would switch they wouldn't be so tempermental. Also do you feed your plants with every watering and what do you use.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Love that double.
I can't believe how many seed pods I have coming on ONE plant, I have a large one, a medium one and after checking her out I found five more just starting, that is going to be a lot of seeds if they all mature.

Yardley, PA

I do feed my plants each watering. I use a granular food that I bought from firstrays. However, I will also used whatever I have. I slow down on the food in the winter but do keep them watered.

Fort Wayne, IN

Sally one more question please. We are on a well with a water softner, we have hard water with iron. Do you think that is alright for the caudiciform plants.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I use bottled water for mine.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I have heard some people warn about high sodium in softened water, but the warnings I've heard have been pretty theoretical or third hand. High sodium is definitely not a GOOD thing, but I wonder whether it will really cause you problems or not.

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

That depends on how hard the water is before it's softened. If it's high in Mg and Ca, then it will pick up lots of sodium in exchange from the softener, and your plants may not be happy to have that extra sodium around. But if it's low to start with, then the sodium output will be low as well. (If your system is the typical sodium exchange mechanism. That's how they normally work.)

Fort Wayne, IN

I don't think its high in Mg or Ca, Our softner sometimes builds up the iron and we have to mess with it to work again. I checked the PH level and it is high so I have a lowering solution I use in our tap water. Hmm

Decatur, GA

I love the creamy yellow mixed with the pink. Really lovely.
I use rain water for all my plants year round. I think generally they have done better since I switched about 4-5 years ago.

Yardley, PA

We have public water and I just use that. I don't know about the softened water. I haven't had any issues.

Fort Wayne, IN

Rain water sounds good. I think I might try that. Duh!! LOL Sally, your flowers are so pretty, I think that you an have an awesome collection.

Well I'm off to find a rain catcher. "I feel so stupid"
LOL Acts

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I use Los Angeles City water straight from the house. I haven't tested it. Occasionally I will hand-water with slightly acidified solutions (citric acid or vinegar). I experimented with in-hose fertilizer injector, but it was too sensitive to water flow rate, which was affected by the nozzle choices.

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

I use purified water for small plants and semi-hydro. The tap water here is quite variable. You never know what you'll get. I prefer not to play the odds there with my little babies. I could never acidify our water without testing it each time with a pH meter or test strips, and I don't really need to go there quite yet. The hardness of our water varies widely over the course of a year.

Acts, as I understand it, water softeners that exchange sodium for cations rely upon a recharge that basically consists of soaking the thing in brine, to load up the system with sodium again for another round. If that's what you're having to do, then I guess it's clear the sodium is going into the softened water. My advice would be to use potassium instead of sodium if there's a choice, because plants find it less toxic.

Fort Wayne, IN

Toxic...not good..I'm going to use rain water. I can use purified water in the frozen months.
Thank You .. I posted a picture of my rain barrel and today we received about another inch and they say more rain to come and colder temps. lol, gotta love the midwest

Thumbnail by acts238
Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

Sounds like you might need a bigger bucket!!

Fort Wayne, IN

LOL. Nancy. or use it as a boat.

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