Warning to those who may buy or trade iris with this person-

Mystic, CT

Hello everyone! I'm a newer member, but have been a lurker for a long time! :-) I have found this site to be an invaluable source of info for my gardening obsession!

I just want to warn those of you who might be tempted to do business with a "gentleman" here or on GardenWeb named Mike or Michael from Sparta Wisconsin. He sounds like a very nice guy who has a lot of hard to find varieties of different plants (iris in my case). I was looking for "Eye for Style" iris as well as "Painter's Touch". I sent him a money order (luckily I'm only out $30, but it's the principle) for the agreed upon plants. He gave me the run around for weeks; one excuse after another. They got more and more elaborate as time went one. Well, it's been since July and15 emails later and I still haven't rec'd the iris and I don't expect them anytime soon. It's very sad that someone would scam people like this, but I guess he needed the $30 more than his scruples. If anyone wants his last name or address, feel free to contact me. I just wanted to save you the aggravation I've been going through.
Happy planting!

South Hamilton, MA

Thank you for calling this to our attention.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Hmmm . indeed... thank you! I also had a similar experience with someone named Plant Fanatic 56... I sent some iris in a planned trade after they approached me asking for Celebration Song.... I sent my package along with a bonus or two... and never heard a word since. &:-(

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

and... since we're on the subject, there is another woman who will beg and beg to trade... in broken english.. and will send you shriveled and dried stuff... I always send fresh rhizomes.
...don't know where she got them but the ones I got had different writting on each one... they all died.... &:-(
...perhaps they were from some other trade she was in months back... live and learn!

South Hamilton, MA

Not everyone is good for trades, better to have had contact for several years befoe you do anything.

Mystic, CT

Hello again, everyone! Thank you for all you kind support. I should clarify my original post - My iris debacle didn't originate here on Dave's Garden. I'm sorry for any confusion. I posted here because in our phone conversation he mentioned he sells a lot of his plants (iris, etc) online & mentioned Garden Web & DG. I just wanted to try to prevent him from scamming anyone else. I don't know if he's a member here or not, but figured I'd cover the DG base & warn you guys. So far the only thing he's told me that was probably true was his name & mailing address to send the money order. Red flag was that he says "Paypal fees get to be too much & he sells his plants so cheap that he doesn't make much by the time he packs & ships them using Paypal." He sounded so nice (I've NEVER sent cash to anyone before. Big dummy! LOL!) I really thought it would be ok. I was SO excited at having found the iris I was looking for, I couldn't wait for them to arrive. Sigh...
On a positive note, I have wonderful experiences with the sellers I encountered here. They sent great plants and were very nice and helpful.
Thanks again everybody & happy gardening!!!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Have you tried to find him on Garden Watchdog?
If he is listed maybe leave your info ,many people read those listings.
I wouldnt buy a plant without it.
Nice of you to join us.

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