How was your summer for fungus?

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

I had extraordinary luck keeping funguses under control on roses, delphs, squashes and tomatoes. This is surprising to me, since it was a wet summer at certain times. It was so dramatic, I'm wondering if there's been a fungus sea change in New England? What were your experiences?


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

My fungi all drowned.

South Hamilton, MA

Mainly mushrooms. Distroy when in iris beds, ignore when in the lawn.

Thomaston, CT

Some of my phlox had mildew, some didn't.....some roses, notably pink iceberg, had blackspot. I also had mildew on the squash & cukes, but not until Sept.

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Could you all tell me also if your experience differed from previous years?


Loaded with mushrooms everywhere. Grown in places they never have.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Powdery mildew starting showing up on rudbeckia and coreopsis late when we were going thru longer wet spells and no drying out time, I've never had that before.
Black spot on roses a little but same as always

Tons of mushrooms, usually only get a few

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Some black spot on the roses but not that much difference from previous years. Phlox was hit or miss, the ones that were planted in more shade showed more this year.

Lots of mushrooms, you can check them out here.

Thomaston, CT

I would say my diseased plants were the same as always, but it's very humid in CT anyway.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Many mushrooms in the lawn. powdery mildew on the peonies but I am about to cut all that foliage to the ground anyhow so not a big worry. no black spot so far on any of the roses. This is north of Boston, about 5 miles in from the ocean.

South Hamilton, MA

We have a peony planted on both sides of our front steps. Powdery mildew on one side but not the other. better than usual.

Thomaston, CT

My peonies are almost ready to be mowed down......

South Hamilton, MA

Here also, siberian foliage cut next week?

Thomaston, CT

Yep, thinking about it....

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Is it necessary to cut back sib foliage?

Thomaston, CT

Sometimes I leave the foliage on the plants by the roadside, but I think they will have less disease if you cut off the foliage......

South Hamilton, MA

The people from Joe Pye Weed cut it back in the fall. A lot less tangle in the spring. I pulled off some browning bearded foliage as I was weeding this afternoon. You can see the new tips coming. Looked across the garden at the siberians & the leaves were quite green.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ok will do that then

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