Importing Rose from UK

New Rochelle, NY

I've finally located a rose I really want but it's in the UK and the grower doesn't have certification. Can he send to France, the French nursery is certified and they can send to the US?

Belton, TX

There are high fees and obligations for the certification process in of the obligations is a much stronger inspection process to prevent diseased plants or specimens from passing into the US...going outside of the certification process holds great risk for everyone and not just the fines...

Whether the non-certified could or would be able to use the French nursery as a go-between seems suspect in itself...and I am not sure I would want to purchase from a French nursery was easily negated the certification process...the professionals understand respect the reasons for the regulations.

I have been a plant broker for a long time...the process seems to be 'just an obstacle' to the plant I want! until you think of the devestation created and the origin of some of the diseases we...and EU...have experienced.

I always ask myself, can't the specific plant be found elsewhere?...legally and ethically?

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