CLOSED: Have: Cotton Seed (today's article)

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

We purchase cotton seed by the ton to feed to our cows. If anyone would like to try and grow cotton I would be willing to trade or send you some for a SASBE. The seeds are large. I know they are viable because I accidentally have a mature cotton plant in my flower bed from the dairy compost. I live in Oregon so submitted to Plant Identification forum trying to figure out what it was. It does have very pretty blooms!
D-mail for address to arrange trades. My address is in the address exchange if you want them for postage and an envelope. My kids have enjoyed watching it grow, but its just now forming pods and probably won't produce cotton before frost since it was "planted" in late June.

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

Last call for cotton...lots of seeds left but trying to keep this simple by not having too many things going at once. Trade or for postage. I'm going to close the thread tomorrow.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I would love to have some for SASBE. Dmail me your address and what kind of envelope with how much postage please.

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