CLOSED: have for trade Uniola Paniculata (sea oats)

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

I recently went to a local native nursery and purchased a packet of sea oat seeds heads.
I can't seem to leave a nursery empty handed it's a curse.
Anyway, if you would like to trade for some of these go ahead and drop me a D-mail

Gainesville, FL

Hi Floridaheat,

I am interested in getting some sea oat seeds if you still have some to trade. In return I can offer seeds of any of the following:

Artabotrys brachypetalus
Lobelia valida
Gunnera perpensa
Hakea eriantha
Hakea petiolaris
Hakea laurina

The Hakeas are in limited amounts & from seed sent to me from Australia last year, I have got all of them to sprout.

Please let me know if your interested.


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