Cornus kousa 'Big Apple' & Beach Plum

Greensburg, PA

It appears that I will have a good amount of seed from my C. kousa 'Big Apple'. I've offered seed for postage a few years now and always seem to run out. Is there interest this year? If so, I'll work out the details and post back here. Keep in mind that the C. kousa is a winter-sowing seed. Plants from seed of 'Big Apple' would not be formally 'Big Apple', but should have relatively large fruit, as it appears to be self-fertile.

I've also been searching for seed, cuttings, or plants, etc of yellow fruited Prunus maritima, the beach plum. If you can help out with that, please let me know.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I would be interested in both. Does anyone have experience using Prunus maritima - beach plum - leaves as a yellow dye?

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