CLOSED: Have and Need: Self-sowing Annuals

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

I've got lots of perennial seeds...with there tricky germination requirements, slow growth and blooms a few years out. This year I sowed lots of easy annuals that are good at reseeding (some may call these invasive, but I'm calling them "easy" until my flower beds fill up). I'd like to trade what I have this year for some to try next year. What's your favorite annual that you have abundant seed for? I'm even willing to do SASBE (self-addressed stamped bubble envelope) for anyone who wants any of what I have.

"Red Glow" Four O'clocks- Miabilis Jalapa
"Ladybird Lemon" dwarf cosmos- Cosmos Sulphurus
"Purple Prince" Zinnia- Zinnia elegans-NOT AVAILABLE
"Autumn Beauty" Sunflower- Helianthus Annuus (in picture)
"Dazzler Double Mix" Galliardia- Galliardia Pulchella
"Radiata Mix" Coreopsis- Coreposis Tinctoria
Yellow and Orange African Daisy- Dimophotheca sinuata
"Sensation" Pink Cosmos- Cosmos bipinnatus
"Tapestry Mix" Phlox- Phlox drumondii- NOT AVAILABLE

Hoping to trade more than one packet at a time. Also look at my trade list to see if there are perennials you may want to trade for too. My address is in the address exchange, but please D-mail to arrange the trade. I am especially looking for nasturtiums, sweet peas, morning glories (and other vines), coleus and anything you really enjoy growing.

This message was edited Oct 3, 2011 7:07 AM

Thumbnail by ordairygirl
Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)


I love your Sunflower and it doesn't look like you had to stake it, don't you get any wind or is this a very sturdy sunflower?

I would love to trade with you and will make a list and dmail you.

Thanks for sharing,

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

I love these Sunflowers- they are yellow, bi-colors and dark maroon ones in the Autumn Beauty mix. They are not staked and have been sturdy. I did have one go down yesterday after a wind storm...but they have lasted a month and now are getting top heavy with the heads filling out with seeds. I'd love to trade with you and am looking forward to your d-mail. Since I'm posting again I'll add a picture of the red glow 4 o'clock.

Thumbnail by ordairygirl
Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

Last call on these annuals. Need to concentrate on my work and cleaning up for need to finish up trading for this season. I've got lots of each kind, except I've taken the phlox and zinnia off the list since they are still not ready and a pain to collect from. SASBE is still offered if you have nothing to trade. I'm going to close the thread on Wednesday.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I would like to try:

"Red Glow" Four O'clocks- Miabilis Jalapa
"Ladybird Lemon" dwarf cosmos- Cosmos Sulphurus
"Dazzler Double Mix" Galliardia- Galliardia Pulchella
"Radiata Mix" Coreopsis- Coreposis Tinctoria
Yellow and Orange African Daisy- Dimophotheca sinuata

I have a list of seeds on my trade list.

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

You have mail Anita.

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