Freckled Granadas, aka spots on my new pomegranates

Merida, Centro, Mexico(Zone 11)

A couple of years ago, I discovered a school selling plants for 15 pesos a piece. Who could resist? And why buy only one when two are almost equally affordable? In short, having been convinced that pomegranates, here in tropical Merida, SE Mexico, called "Granadas," don't grow on trees but on bushes, I bought a bunch of bushes. As time passed baby balls appeared but they certainly seem to take forever to fact, most still haven't. Both they and their leaves are speckled.

A wandering house guest complimented me on the fine aphid farm I had going out at the end of the patio. Aphids? That's what those freckles are? Well, he thought so but wasn't certain. Also he said they explained the leathery skin on the fruit. Besides looking closely, omg, mosta blanca, bits of white fluff on both fruit and leaves.

The storms tore off a lot of fruit and leaves leaving an interesting spider web effect. I've just kept watering them but I know I must do something. Some leaves look as though they've been visited by leaf miners but that wonderful blue Imacloprid hasn't done a bit of good.

I'm reduced to buying Granadas at the market and trying to pass them off as my own. HELP!

I have about 3 dozen little leathery balls with spots. Inside they aren't ripe yet but only a few have a rotten spot or two. As always, any and all suggestions gratefully received.
Many thanks, Barbara

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