Favorite Gardening Books?

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

I am a Bookaholic, so of course I have lots of gardening books. Right now some of the ones I look at the most are:
Perennials-The Gardener's Reference by Susan Carter, Carrie Becker and Bob Lilly (It doesn't say it's a regional book, but it is really a book on perennials for the PNW.
Timber Press Guide to Gardening in the Pacific Northwest, by Carol and Norman Hall.
Ask Ciscoe, by Ciscoe Morris.
Northwest SmartGarden Regional Guide by the American Horticultural Society.
The Pacific Northwest Gardener's Book of Lists, by Ray and Jan McNeilan

A few were wasted $:
Gardening with Ed Hume, by Ed Hume

Soon it will be time to lay in a supply to read in the dark and rainy nights ahead...What are you all reading?

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

I like that skinny little paperback publication put out by the Seattle Tilth called something like Maritime Gardening in the Northwest. Its always so helpful to pull it out in the winter to reference exactly what veggies I can start sowing outdoors vs indoors. It was only $9.95 or something when I bought it 10 years ago. Probably has been updated since.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

I have the Tilth publication, too. Small, but dense with information. Another one I've had for years is Vegetable Gardening West of the Cascades by Steve Solomon. It was my beginners book, but I still use the planting chart that shows when to plant things based on what is happening with the native plants (when they start leafing out, flowering, etc).

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

I love both those books. In fact I have both the original 1989 Solomon book, and the 2007 too. I haven't thrown out the original one, as they are such different books. It's interesting to see how he has changed some ideas. He has such an inquiring mind, and does his own experiments and seems to read a lot.I don't have a vegie garden right now, but I will again someday....

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