Moving miscanthus grass: spring or fall

Boston, MA

I have some small clumps of miscanthus grass; I want to move these to better sun. Should i do this in fall or wait until spring?

Amherst, NY(Zone 6a)


I think now would be a good time of year to move this type of ornamental grass. We have two different varieties that we are planing to move next week as they have gotten huge. I think it would be best to cut the grass back and move the clump, getting as large a root ball as possible. Anything left will quickly come back and fill in the spot again.

Good luck. ☺

Boston, MA

that was the answer i wanted! will be much more convenient. Thanks

Thomaston, CT

Have either of you moved ornamental grass before? Just wait! It took me 2 weeks of digging a little at a time to remove a clump that had been in place for only a year! The smaller clumps took less time, but I was dragging when I finished......

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