Showed up out of nowhere.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Anyone recognize it?

Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky might have grown that one last yr. It's a beauty.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

The only name I can find for it is a descriptor - Purple White Swirl Flaked Hige - I was hoping I could find an actual name for it. It is amazing .. It showed up in a bunch of Split Personality Hige I grew from seed .. there are 5 plants in this bunch .. Trying to remember out who I got the seeds from.

Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi X

I have a cross that I did very similar to what you have growing, however, yours appears to have crossed again and is a lighter blue. Looks nice!

Flaked Feathered Morning Glory 'Aomurasakihigesibori'
Ipomoea purpurea

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks Emma - It is pretty .. hope I get some seeds out of it! As I said, a total surprise!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

I hope you get seeds too. Forgot to also mention this is aka: a HIGE Morning Glory

Here is one of my blooms from this year

Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Emma, very pretty. You always have some lovely higes.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank You, Jackie

Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I was out this morning hand pollinating everything - I just hope there is enough time for seeds to get old enough before we have our first frost .. what I may end up doing is cutting it back and dig up the whole clump and overwintering it in the greenhouse.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

X... surely a nice looking one.. yes.. I'd move it inside just the increase in seeds... or perhaps getting some at all.. would make it so worth it..Hinges are some of my the light coloration there,,

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Emma that last picture you posted is amazing!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you X
Some of my Red & White HIGEs had neat blooms like that last year.

When I grow my Higes late in the year in a pot and move them into the GH, they continue to bloom throughout the winter as well as produce seeds.


Also, if your vine is strong enough, I. purpureas are very easy to root in water - so you might try that as well.

Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the info .. I thought that rooted mg vines rarely bloomed .. is that a nil thing or just not true?

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

I have more luck rooting I. purpureas than nils. In fact, I rooted several this year of a Dark Pink Hige that I thought we were going to pull out - then decided to leave it.

A couple of years ago I rooted a Purple-Flaked Shibori from a broken vine that went on to grow as large as the mother plant and bloomed abundantly.

Aschaffenburg, Germany

Emma are you using a cloner? I haven't tried mine with the morning glories, just tomatoes and pineapple sage that are easy to root even without the cloner. I almost regretted the investment since I got mine from America and could not even use the pump because of our differing voltage here. I needed to see it so I can make my own tanks in the future. One could easily root the vines in a fish tank, same principle just without rooting agents, but I think they are not so important as long as the cuttings don't rot.


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Martin,
No - I've only tried rootings with water. Then when I had enough strong roots, like most any other plant - dip in rooting hormone and plant.

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