CLOSED: PJ/Night Gown swap reveal

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Show us your jammies here please!

1 - taters55 - Linda... 1X, PJ's. any fabric ^_^
2 - Quilter5bdsr - Barb... XL, likes flannel - PJ's add a pair of socks please ^_^
3 - Jordankittyjo - Kathy... XXL, no flannel. light weigh fabric ^_^
4 - Deejay9 - Susie... XL, No lace or flannel, Prefers summer gown ^_^
5 - Heavenscape - Jaye... XXL, PJ's.--- and a pair of ankle length socks please ^_^
6 - Crit - Patti... size XL, night gown, knee length or longer ^_^
7 - Seedtosser1 - Judy... size medium to large, cool short PJ's, or knee length thermal night gown. ^_^
8 - Mud_Elf - Kris... size XXL, flannel PJ's or soft jersey like tshirts ... add a pair of socks please ^_^
9 - Lizrainey - Liz... size XL, knee length cotton gown ^_^
10 - Bettypauze - Betty... size XL, - gown or PJ's. ^_^
11 - housse301 - Laura... size XL, mens flannel PJ's. ... add a pair of socks please ^_^
12 - irisluver0252 - Debbie... size 10-12, lightweight knit or stretchy fabric. No cotton or flannel. PJ's. ^_^
13 - ClanCampbell - Chris... size XL or 1X - short PJ's, soft fabric, no lacy..but silly, quirky, cartoony ^_^
14 - jsxtiger - Joyce... size 2X or 3X, long cotton gown ... add a pair of socks please? ^_^
15 - minnesippi - Stephanie... size 10/12, Prefer shorts or pants and a t-shirt ^_^
16 - flowerchik1 - Carol... size XL cotton or flannel (no lace) PJ's ^_^
17 - Tina_A - Tina... size 3X PJ's --- and a pair of socks please? ^_^
18 - DebbiesDaisy - Debbie... size 2X, PJ's or nightgown... and a pair of sock ^_^
19 - Joeswife - Debra ... shirt and pants type PJ's. nothing sexy, frilly or flimsy. I like footie type socks ^_^
20 - LhasaLover - ^_^

This message was edited Sep 28, 2011 8:51 AM

Thumbnail by taters55
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Im here :)

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

me two

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Lovely Liz, even if it is sideways! lol Love the pale mint color

Victoria Harbour, ON

Gorgeous come wheni go in search for same no can find! Lol. Gor to take you shopping with me Liz...

I cheated, was going to keep my jammies for christmas eve but Saturday I needed a lift so new silk jammies it was...thanks Barb..

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

That's another color I don't have in my wardrobe, Liz. Pale mint. It's pretty!

Lounging in luxury eh Betty?

I'm watching the Patriots beat the Dolphins in my new jammies.
Kel finished off the "turtles" LK and he loves my new socks. Glad they won't fit his size 13 dogs!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad you like your jammes and socks. I have several pair, and they are soooo comfy!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm getting more LK!

Pacifica, CA

crit, lol give me another week I'll get the sideways view fixed all this modern technology is something else!
had to laugh was talking to someone how easy it was with a kodak Instamatic camera use up your film,
take it to the camera store and you have beautiful pictures, she told me better be quiet i'm dating myself lol.

thanks ladies, i love it and having a mini Indian summer now it is perfect,
this has been a great swap!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

PHLTH :p on the indian summer. It was 45* this morning here and they expect a below 30 temp later this week over night. Guess I will be covering the toms & peppers...

Pacifica, CA


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

And were still having low temps of 74, and getting up to 99 during the day! Sure hope you don't lose any plants!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I hope so too. not that anything is flowering right now - except my peacock glads! I wasnt expecting them to flower this year as they just went in the ground. Pleasant surprise though.
This little "guy" was hanging out at the back door last night...

Thumbnail by minnesippi
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That is a big walking stick!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I don't see any walking sticks around here. But then the grasshoppers got all my attention :(

Victoria Harbour, ON

We had a load of sand brought to our shoreline a few years ago, had sticks..yikes can they bite!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Well then I'm glad I don't see them Betty!! I tend to try to catch the grasshoppers! They don't bite, just flew off!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

He was about 4" I would say. He was walking all over me while my daughter was trying to get a picture.
She got bit by a grasshopper on Sunday..they are EVERYWHERE right now!
Gonna look for "Walker" tonight, see if its a "she" and if I can get any eggs. They incubate for 2 years here.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Your poor daughter!! Guess I'm lucky!
What do those walkers prey on Stephanie?

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

vegetation. they are herbaceous. If it were a praying mantis, it would NOT be in my yard - gotta protect the hummers :)

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Haven't seen those praying mantis either since I moved here!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I did not know they bite, and I also did not know that a praying mantis is harmful to the hummers?

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

PM's prey on hummers and butterflies :(
Somewhere on another post, someone put a link in to a video of a PM attacking & eating a hummer :(

Victoria Harbour, ON

Perhaps LindaKay they are a different variety that we have..but bite they do

Lyndonville, NY

Ok, had some time and was home alone, so pulled out the camera.

Here are my "so very very soft" new Pjs which I love. Soft yellow t-shirt and blue and yellow paisley capri pants. Since I now have the surgery scheduled...they will be quite useful and comfortable. As will the socks!

Rec'd an adorable potsticker also and some melting tarts which are SO pretty!

Thank you again Chris!!

Thumbnail by DebbiesDaisy
Victoria Harbour, ON

Debbie, they look sooo you are keeping them for Sept. 22nd.

Might have misled you about the bite, not really a bite..

stick insects may use their leg spines, which help them climb, to inflict some pain on an enemy. Stick insects may even direct a chemical spray, much like tear gas, at the offender.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Debbie, those are so pretty! Love the colors!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Going to pick up a bunch of iris tonight :)

Anna Lou
Celebration Song
Edge of Winter
Edith Wolford
Love Is
Rain Man
Sultry mood
Old Lavender
Old Yellow

a buck a shot! WOOT WOOT!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Good deal on the iris!

My buddies box is going in the mail tomorrow. Sorry it's late.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Anyone interested in a halloween swap?

Hello, hello, hello, I am finally back on the pond, What a week!!!

While I was gone I received two very pretty little summer gowns one in Multi-colors and one in a shell pattern,, these will come in great next year when it gets hot again. I will need to go get my flannels from the old house at the next trip for my winter ware here.

Also there was the cutest frog with mushrooms, a handmade pot to hold a bag scented like snicker doodles,, which has made me hungry ever since I opened the box!! Also there were 2 parts of regular socks,,( which I really need!! and also a wonderful pair of fuzzy footsies to keep my feet warm this winter. So I lucked up and got a wonderful box!!

Thanks you so much Suzie / Deejay.

Thumbnail by

Oh yes, I forgot to mail my package before I left,, So sorry. I thought I would take it with me and left it behind then was gone much longer than I thought I would be,,sigh... It is labeled and I have a conformation # if LK needs it. I twill be taken to the post office tomorrow,,, Soo Sorry

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kris I'm sorry But right now all that are in our near By stores are Just Summer close outs NOT One Place Has any Winter type PJ's Out on the racks yet They say 1st of OCT to Mid OCT & I Have not been to any of the bigger cities to shop . very hard to get anyone to come stay with daddy ,
So I Do feel bad they are not for winter . as for the other I was thinking about your Mini gardens ,
well daddy calling so back later .

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those pretty night gowns! Your going to love those socks!

Deejay,, why are you sorry?? I love them,, I have not one single summer nightgown so these are going to be perfect for the spring!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!

Also I own over 10 sets of flannel jammies so I have more than enough of them!! and my frog is in a mini garden already!! I will get a picture as soon as the batteries recharge.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( DEEJAY))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thank you Kris But I was really Looking for just a little warmer Night Shirt for ya & All there were was MICKEY MOUSE & I Do not see you as a mickey mouse type of women I was Looking for something a little more sexie that RHALP also would enjoy :) HEHe.
I Thought after i had sent them that I Should have order online :))) " Victoria Secret " has some cute ones

well i went out picked 10 APPLES Off the tree came in & Made daddy an APPLE GRUNT :) he wanted a pie but i didn't have time
for he wants to eat at 5 pm ON THE DOT :) But it was still late but he said it was worth the wait :) He had 3 bowls so I guess it was .
he even called my brother Jim & SMACKED HIS LIPS . My Daddy is a tease .

well guess i better get my dishes done ya all have a great evening & Glad your Not as Disappointed as I Was :))) although they are very cute they are summer not fall .

ROFLMWO at Ralphie and Victoria Secrets!! He would drool and then fall asleep,,,,heehee

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Very lovely Elfie and deejay!!!!

I put mine in the mail today. Have the conf # in my purse. Delivery expected Monday.

Saw the surgeon today. Said it looked good even though it is still swollen. Stitches out, cast off ...... I'm back to flipping the world off with a wrap on just the finger. LOL But I am SURE GLAD to get that cast off! ^_^ Go back in 4 weeks. Will probably take about 4 months before I start to get any feelings. He doesn't think I'll need any therapy on it. Praise the LORD! and all my friends for praying for me!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Have my box ready to go out but it won't go until after work tomorrow (unless I can sweet talk DH to take it to the PO in the morning)! Hope she likes what I picked out!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Susie, you are so LUCKY to have your daddy. He is so lucky to have you, and you being a baker too!

Elfie, welcome home! Love the goodies.. I am so glad everyone has been loving what they have gotten.. ;)

Patti... Praise God indeed! Now let's get the feeling back so ya can feel the thorns on a rose bush when ya trim them.
Okay, I am done worrying about plants...... if they get in they get in, if not well, there is always next year.. right?

( it is getting down to 49 tommorrow night)

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