Need some help ID'g this vine from Gma's farm

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

Hello everyone! I need some help on this vine. It originally came from my Gma's farm in IN over 40 yrs ago, then as we moved, the seed pods came with us. Mom gave me a handful last year and I planted them here in OH. A couple months later, and they're doing beautifully. However, I don't know what to tell neighbors of what it actually is, other than "Grandma's Vine"... LOL
It grows quickly, the older stems are sort of woody, has lovely purple sweet-pea type blooms and the seed pods resemble purple lima bean pods. The seed itself is pea-sized, dark purple/brown with a hard shell. I knicked the small white spot on the side of the seed, soaked them in water for a few days and planted. Didn't take long for them to pop up. Mom says whereever the seed pod lands outside, will probably produce the following year.

Any ideas on what this is? Thanks much for any help!

Thumbnail by Kizmo
Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

Here is a close up, for a better view..

Thumbnail by Kizmo

Lablab purpureus .

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank you! just did a Google on your reply - wow, didn't realize it was used for food! Told Hubby we could harvest the leaves for a spinach type veggie dish.... he was not impressed LOL .

Mulberry, FL

Seeds on this one are neat black and white in color and round I am growing it too

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, the seeds are dark with a white spot, I planted 36 in peat pots early this Spring and every one of them came up! The vine has covered more of the porch at this point, and I have pods hanging everywhere. We even watched the hummingbirds buzz around in them in the evenings. Other than sweeping the dried blossoms off the porch on a daily basis, we've really enjoyed this vine, and it kept our kitchen alot cooler this summer!
Thanks for replying!

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I grew these along a fence by our patio one year and also enjoyed watching the hummingbirds perch on the long vine stems for a rest. It gave me a chance to observe the hummers close up without the buzz. lol

Mulberry, FL

36 wow I only planted a few there in full swing now I planted them late.

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

Yeppers, I have a 'jungle' out there...LOL Mine were planted later than they could have been also, only because we were gone on vacation, then were trying to catch up when we got back. Didn't seem to hurt them tho. Not sure if they overwinter or not, but I'm sure Gma didn't plant seeds for them every year. Mine will be slightly protected as I planted them next to the porch lattice, behind my Lamb's Ears and Rosemary bushes. But I will have plenty of backup seeds, just in case...

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

They may self-seed, but definitely an annual in our zone. I planted some last year and saved seeds also. I think being a bean they can be planted later than some annuals because they love the heated soil. If planted too early they will rot in the ground.
Edited to add that you have a beautiful display planted there

This message was edited Sep 30, 2011 2:44 PM

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm thinking they are annuals of some sort too, maybe depends on the conditions over the winter.. If you're referring to my table of amaryllis and such, the neighbor girl had set that table outside under her stairway, along with some kids furniture. It must have been there 3 months, until she finally decided to start moving all of it to the dumpster. I had been eyeing that table for awhile, but since her kids played outside, I figured it was from their playroom. I was pulling in groceries one afternoon and watched her throw all kinds of toys, boxes, etc in the dumpster.. when she picked up that table, I couldn't stand it! I ran over and asked her how much she wanted for it, and she gave it to me for nothing! Said she was going to have a yard sale, but got tired of the waiting on the rain to stop, so was pitching everything. I baked some cookies for her little girls and took them over the following day for trade.
The table needs a new top, but it will do for now until I get one made. Hubby kept saying he was making me a table for my plants, but he just took too long! All the other plants are from the house, I brought all of them outside for a early summer breather and repotting and just left them out there. Problem is, now they're really growing and it's time to bring them all back in!

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