I'm BACK!!!!!!!!

(Jan) So Milw, WI(Zone 5b)

I've been gone for awhile.

Was permanently laid-off from my job as a Receptionist @ a "well-known" Brokerage Firm in March, 2008. Was on unemployment. Started a new job as a Receptionist in October, 2008, for a company that 'sucked' (unfortunately didn't know that at the time...) and again joined the ranks of unemployed in March, 2009....think that the month of March is a 'bad mojo' month for me?!?! Started working as a temp employee for an Employment Agency in the fall of 2009 and that lasted until I became ill in Dec, 2010 and was in the hospital during the Xmas holidays (was actually admitted on Christmas Day. I was given a 'new' antibiotic to which I suffered a serious allergic reaction to resulting in my being permanently disabled.

I missed DG very, very much and am back....

Jan (JanLynn)

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Welcome back.
Are you well enough to garden?

(Jan) So Milw, WI(Zone 5b)

Thank you, missingrosie, for the welcome back.

Last summer, b4 I knew that I'd be incapacitated this summer, I planted a lot of perennials (5 different Hardy Dinnerplate Hibiscus, 4 species of Rose of Sharons, Southern Charm Verbascum, Bee Balm, Trumpet Vine, etc.) so I really 'lucked out'. I still have some Tropicals (EE's, Cannas, Hawaiian Ti Plant...) that need to be taken in over the winter but I have them planted in containers that I take the plants out of so they're easier to transport into the basement. Now I'm hoping to get some Brugmansia cuttings this Fall as I had given all mine away a couple of years ago. I started Daturas from seed and am really, really impressed with the way they grew but...still miss the brugs cause the brugs hold onto their blooms a lot longer than the dats (which only last a day).


Thumbnail by JanLynn

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