CLOSED: Have tomatoes OSU Blue, Black and Brown Boar, Aunt Lou's

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Have OSU Blue, Black and Brown Boar, Aunt Lou's Underground RR, Viva Lindsey's Kentucy Heirloom
All are fermented seeds, OP from this season.

I am looking for heirloom tomatos, especially these:
Mexico Midget
White Queen
Violet Jasper
Black Elephant
Kentucky Wonder
Stump of the World

I am also looking for fresh Aconitum, any hardy species in white, cream, gray or very pale blue.

Thumbnail by poisondartfrog
Hopkinsville, KY

I have seeds of the following:

Violet Jasper
Black Elephant
Stump of the World

Do not have large quantities and do not blossom bag

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I would love them. Do you want each of the ones I have? I also have Kentucky Yellow Beefsteak and Mr. Stripey.
I do not blossom bag. I do try to isolate, but the OSU Blue is the only one grown more than 150 feet from other varieties.

Dearborn, MI

I have Mexico Midget and White Queen. Won't know about the aconitum until I get up to the cottage.

What did you think of the Aunt Lou's Underground RR? Everyone mentions the historical value. I'm also wondering about the taste.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I have a ton of heirloom tomato seeds. The only one I have on your list is Voyage but i'd love to trade with you. I'm especially interested in Black and Brown Boar and will trade anyother ones I have.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I just ordered these from The Seed Kingdom, anyone want to trade?
I'm mostly interested in early / cold-tolerant tomatoes, especiually cherry tomatoes.

Tomato Old Flame
Tomato Sub Artic Plenty
Tomato Manitoba
Tomato Stupice
Tomato Pruden's Purple

And I was thinking of getting some of these from Hazzards (mostly 250-seed pkts) if someone would split them:

Ildi Grape, yellow, extra early, very sweet, highest yield, long life on or off vine, indet, 53 days ($10/250)
Glacier O.P. UltraEarly, hardy, cold tolerant, 2-3 oz., 2" semi-det., Potato leaf,
Oregon Spring Seedless, early, cold tolerant 6 oz smooth globe, det,

Hopkinsville, KY


I would like the ones on your original list with the exception of OSU Blue; also would like the Kentucky Yellow Beefsteak.

PM me your addy and I will get the seeds out on or before Monday. I will PM you my addy. Thanks for the trade.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Aunt Lou's was a favorite this year. The fruits are nice and large, slightly acidic, very clean and tomatoey (I think I made that word up, just now).

Rick, that's a nice list of tomatoes, especially for short season folks.

Thanks everyone.

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