Starting new project

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

I got 2 chairs from a yard sale to replace the 2 that were stolen from my yard. The thief left the table, probably because all 3 pieces wouldn't fit in the car. The set was a cast aluminum bistro set. One that I had for years and really liked. Anyway, I found 2 chairs that I want to re do to go with the table. (they don't match, but will make do) Today I went to the place that cuts granet & marble and asked if I could get pieces they would normally throw away. I was told I could get all I wanted today and any day that I wanted to come back for more. OK, my plan is to use the granet to make a small sitting area (where the chairs were stolen) and using just a touch of concrete, lol, you get the picture, not going to be so easy to take these chairs or the table. This will require probably more work than I anticipate, not...I know I have to level the ground, get sand, and I will use the tiny river rock to make a path going to the area because the granet will be to slippery to step on. Well, started today sanding the chairs.

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