Bluestone Perennials

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

What has happened to this company? Are they under new ownership?

They have switched to the worst potting mix I have ever seen. It looks like dry sawdust. The coco pots didn't hold the mix or my plants in. They were scattered all in the box. Half the sawdust was all in the bottom. The plants were dried up. This mix dries out too fast and is too loose. I could see the dried up plant plugs they used. They didn't even give them time to take root to the other mix.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The last order I got from them (back in the spring) was fine, but I think that was before they switched to the new pots. I'd try contacting them--even the best companies have an off day now and then so it's really about how they fix the problem for you. Knowing how they've been in the past, I expect they'll make things right if you contact them.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

I've always had great luck with Bluestone and their customer service is Wonderful. Any problems I've had, they have always fixed and they were very happy to do it. . .unlike some companies.

I haven't ordered since they changed to the new pots, but I would definitely contact them. It would help both you and Bluestone. They will most likely replace the plants or give you a credit (usually your choice) and it will definitely help them to know about any problems with the new pots.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I'm asking for a refund. Some of these plants arrived dead in their previous plastic pots and were replacement plants. It seems the only thing they can ship alive right now is Clematis. I have seen several other people commenting that their plants fell out of the pots during shipping as well. I'll take pictures and send to them, but I just want a refund now. I'm sick of dealing with them. If they can't get live plants to me within 2 shipments, then they are not doing something right.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

In the past I have always had good luck with them. Even if a plant needed replacing. Maybe you might be right. See if they will give you a refund. They have always given me good customer service.

This year I have not had such good luck and the plants were smaller. I did buy them through a coop on cubits. Next time I will order straight through them as it was awful for the lady who ran the coop. She had to wrap each plant and the shipping was higher for and from her as well.

Let us know what happens.


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Uh oh... I have an order coming from them, should arrive tomorrow. Although their prices went way up since they switched, I was excited about getting what I thought would be bigger, stronger plants in the new packaging. Now I'm worried...


(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

They didn't even water them. The sawdust fell out. Lol.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Well, I guess I dodged a bullet. My order didn't come, so I called them. They said FEDEX and UPS stopped shipping to our area because of the storm. Now they can't ship until next Tuesday, it won't arrive before Thursday or Friday and I'll be gone. I canceled the whole thing. No phone call, no email notifying me of any problem. I just assumed that since they weren't hit, it would be business as usual.

Funny thing, my order from Lazy S, who was in Irene's path, arrived on time. They sent mass emails before the storm promising to ship ASAP afterwards, then sent mass emails to all customers in the path asking confirmation that it was safe to ship. So my order went out Tuesday instead of Monday, and arrived yesterday.

Who else do you all like?


I just received a backorderd plant from them this past week. While I like the new shipping box that holds the pot in place and the "peat" pot is acceptable, the potting soil did fall out all over the box in transit. They used to shove shipping peanuts into the tops of the pots which kinda held the soil in place. Luckily, my Heuchera did not dry out in transit and handled the planting very well considering the hot sun we've been having here.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Me too. I always got the nicest plants, even tho I live 2000 miles away. I ordered a Thermopsis- when I opened the box I thought someone had tossed an uprooted dead and dried up weed. It was the plant which had fallen out and TOTALLY dried up. They shipped me another, it was still in the pot but the potting soil had fallen out and dried up I think I can rescue it. I plan to let them know-I really like their plants, catalog, and service up to now. Hopefully they can fix the problem by the spring.

I didn't check the box (long gone to recycling) but I wonder if it was marked "this side up" with the little arrow. Could it be that BS relies on the shipping agent to keep the box upright in transit to keep the mix (and the plant) from spilling out? We all know that doesn't happen in real life.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

I emailed Bluestone about the problem- I got a reply from Pat who says they have purchased a new watering system, and are working on a better system to keep plant and soil in the pot. I will probably order from them in the Spring, to see how this is working.

(Zone 7a)

I am awaiting an order from them, as well. We'll all see what happens. Post pics and I will, too?

Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

I just received an order, and the plants stayed in their little pots, but they were very dry. I soaked them before putting them in the ground. I've always loved Bluestone, and I'm glad to hear that they are working on the problem!

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I hope they figure it out... I really liked what I got from them in the past, and there are a number of plants in their catalogue I would love to have in my garden. I hated the peanuts, but at least the plants arrived safely...


Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

This is good information. Earlier this year when BS came out with the news of the new coire pots and elemination of those horrible peanuts I cheered.
A DG'er said the coire pots had problems,appearantly she had them from other sources.
I also believe buying plants late in the season is risky no matter what the plant company and even local nurseries have half priced plants. If buying locally I give a gentle yank on the plant to see how elll rooted it is in the pot. Many times growers put plugs in larger pots and fill mix around them just to make a sale.

I love BS and also believe thay need feedback on the drysoil and dead plant problem. They're reputation is too good to let something like this leave a bad impression.

You've definitely got a point there, ge. And in honesty - I took my plant out of the coir pot so the container doesn't really matter that much to me. If it's a coir container, it goes into the compost bin and if it's plastic, I reuse for seedlings and cuttings.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Iwas mistaken its cocoanut husk,maybe the same thing.I needed to check a plant on BS and noticed thats the term they used.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i was just surfing around DG and came across this thread. i see i'm not the only one who was more than a little put out when my BS shipment arrived last week. i knew there was a problem when i first opened the box and there was dirt all over the place. thankfully, i only ordered a few hems and i know they'll be ok eventually but boy, dried out and one had lost all of its soil. what irked me the most was that i had ordered three of these for a neighbor and i was embarrassed to even hand these poor things over to him and ask for my reimbursement.
i hope they set things right asap. i normally order spring and fall from them but i'm going to hold off this spring until i check GW and see what the latest reviews look like.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

I ordered a bunch of stuff this spring from Bluestone this spring- the problem seems to be solved, all arrived just fine, and really it is nice not to have to deal with Styrofoam packing peanuts.
My Thermopsis survived and is growing.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i placed an order this spring....everything is their packing and the plants, while not a 3-pack anymore, are three times as big and nice roots systems too.
i'm happy.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

They solved the problem for me too. They have new packaging and all the replacement plants are doing great. I am so glad they solved all the problems!

Newnan, GA(Zone 7b)

No more packing peanuts from Bluestone? What a great improvement. I may give them a try again.

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

I got two Bluestone orders this spring. All plants were evenly moist. Better than the tinier "pots" they were using before. I planted the whole thing, as advised, with the first order. But the plants had loosened from the pots in the second order. Lots of airspace around the root ball, so I dumped them out and planted them without the "pots." All seems well.


mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

yes, the peanuts are history! yay!
i've planted both ways, in coir and out and personally i really like cutting the coir pot off.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I've had several orders from Bluestone this spring and have only good things to say about them. My first shipment was perfect, good sized plants in great shape. The next package got caught in Memorial Day weekend delivery limbo and arrived after the holiday instead of before. Most plants were only a little the worse for wear after a week in the box, and bounced right back. Bluestone immediately replaced the lavender that succumbed.

The 3rd delivery, this one to the weekend house, was lost by FedEx, probably mis-delivered. Tracking showed that it was delivered on Thursday, but it was not at my house. Bluestone re-shipped to NY, and all arrived perfect. Oddly, the following week FedEx delivered someone else's package to the weekend house- we are #35, mailbox clearly marked, and the address on the box was #41. Yikes! But Bluestone's customer service saved the day, and I got what I'd asked for.

I also remove the coir pots-- too many bad experiences with peat- but I'm not sure I'm right to do so. In some cases the roots are quite embedded. I find it hard to rip pieces off the coir, but I'm thinking next batch I'll use scissors to cut the top inch or two off instead of tearing the roots out.

I did miss the 3-packs at first, but still think their prices are very fair. And their coupons and sales are still great bargains, which is why all the orders.

Now I just have to get everything in the ground...


mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i don't rip...i use scissors and carefully peel it off.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Pfg Thanks for your post.I have had 2 Bluestone deliveries and it has taken me that time to realize the plants do better when the co-co pot is removed.I also cut tha pot away.No ripping.

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