Clemson hardy bottlebrush?

Sumter, SC

I finally found bottlebrushes marked Clemson red cluster cold hardy at the Lowes near Woodley's on Two Notch in Cola. I'm concerned because they were grown in S Fl, and the new growth doesn't have the coloration that Clemson hardy's are supposed to have. I know this is a bad time to plant something that may be marginal, but if they turn out not to be Clemson cold hardy, at least I can return them for a refund next spring. Please advise.

I forgot to add that the tag indicated they they were cold hardy to zone 7a, which I find hard to believe.

This message was edited Aug 31, 2011 5:52 PM

Thumbnail by donnacreation
Sumter, SC

New growth on Clemson red cluster from Lowes

Thumbnail by donnacreation
Sumter, SC

New growth on red cluster BB purchased at PeeDee flower show last April

Thumbnail by donnacreation
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I am not familiar with that particular cultivar but the difference in the new growth could possibly be related to temperature )spring vs. summer) and/or fertilization. Why don't you shoot an email to Amanda McNulty with both photos and see what she says.

Sumter, SC

Thanks, ardesia. That's a great idea. I posted it on the ID forum yesterday, but haven't received a reply yet. Callistemon cultivars are often difficult to identify. I do think I'm going to go ahead and get them in the ground. Hopefully we'll have a rare milder than normal winter and I don't have to return them next Spring.

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