A beginning

Barberton, OH

A start to a garden

Thumbnail by salix_man
Hillsborough, NC

Very pretty! Love the cannas and sunflowers. What's the smaller bush?

Barberton, OH

The little tree is a Siberian Elm, about 8 years old. The other is a group of malva seedlings. Zebra Malva??? Seeds are available, SASE.

Barberton, OH

Close up! A self-seeding annual here.

Thumbnail by salix_man
Hillsborough, NC

I've not grown malva, but have recently become aware of it. Definitely have it on my list for next year! Do you know if deer like to munch on it? Right now my gardens look emaciated from those critters......I've tried to plant things "deer tend to avoid" but over the last month they're eating them, too. We're out in the country so deer grazing is a fact of life we try to live with.

Barberton, OH

I had deer last winter, but no damage since then, so I have no idea. Deer population and availability of food determines how destructive they are. There are scents that deter them, but they are expensive. Hollyhocks are in the Malva family if that is any help.

Guyton, GA(Zone 8b)

OOOhhh are you saying that you have malva seeds available for sase? I had some started, went on vacation and my son didn't quite follow through on the watering job for me and they croaked. UGGGHHH! Don't you love cannas. They are tough as nails. I have had some setting in a bucket of water for almost two weeks and they are just as perky as when they were in the ground! I am in zone 8b and they keep coming back and multiplying.

Barberton, OH

Up here cannas have to be dug and stored for winter but they do multiply. The Malvas are annual here as well. Some seeds are ripe. I have thousands. I'll DM my address.

Guyton, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you!

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