What's in this Flower?

(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

This is an unusual flower that has come from a plant that is second generation from last year's seed swap. Not every flower on the plant is like this, but several of them have been. The original seed from 2010 was identified as Fuji No Murasaki. Is this blossom showing its parentage? Or is it showing the results of some open pollenation crossing that happened last year?

Thumbnail by Cibarius
(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

Here is a typical flower from the Fuji No Murasaki I grew in 2010.

Thumbnail by Cibarius
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful new bloom it's making Doug, so pretty. I bet it's the open pollination.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Doug - WOW! Looks like a very neat cross you got with that vine! Beautiful!!!

McMinnville, TN

Cibarius the photo is beautiful! I'm just speechless!

(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

Thanks all for the comments. Here is a more typical blossom from this plant. Becky, what do you know about Fuji No Murasaki? Is it the result of a recent cross or is it a more traditional variety?

Thumbnail by Cibarius
McMinnville, TN

Oh my goodness, Cibarius! I am still sitting here with my eyes glued to the stunning blooms, it looks like someone picked them and piled them there for the photo. I bet every morning your neighbors wake up and think "I wonder what is blooming in his yard today". They are lucky to live close to you to see all your beautiful blooms!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Doug - Those are beautiful blooms! Here is the listing in PlantFiles: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/139460/ According to PF it was introduced in 1995 by Dr. Yoshiaki Yoneda. I would assume yours either has some kind of recessive genes going on or it is an unknown cross producing some blizzard blooms.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi all!
I've had a similar oddity pop up several times this summer on a Heavenly Blue vine. The weird thing is these are all first year seeds so I don't think it's an issue of cross pollenation and they are standard burpee mass market seeds. Here's a bloom from yesterday morning, I'm stumped!

Thumbnail by VajraMother
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

VM, I can't make out your bloom colors very well. I can see the white but what color is the throat? If it's yellow,
then you have Pearly Gates, a tri-color like Heavenly blue

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