Japanese Beetles 2011

Waukegan, IL(Zone 5a)

This year the Japanese Beetles have been trying new delights in my garden. In addition to my few remaining roses, they are feasting on my Aronia melanocarpa, my Clethras, my Kerria Japonica, and my neighbor's peach tree which overhangs my garden. They also do a bit of nibbling on asters that are near the Aronia, some of my perennial geraniums and Echinaceas, my Filipendula rubra "Venusta" and a few other snacks. It is August 27 and they haven't gone away yet. The only thing that saved me from JB insanity this year was the miserable weather which kept me out of the garden a lot so I didn't have to see the little so and so's every day.

Thank you for listening. I feel better now.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Anything you need to feel better is OK by me! Especially in dealing with the little buggers.

Last year they moved to the leaves of my oakleaf hydrangeas and did some major chomping on my bayberries. When I walked up and saw them doing it I was completely shocked. I had treated my roses and lindens with a systemic to kill them, so they passed each other little notes and went after other plants instead.

The site of skeletonized bayberry leaves is weird. Worse, I swear I could hear tiny little giggles. HA HA! We'll find something to destroy!

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