Peach seeds

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

I need to know how this work to use plant seed whoile seed or open up seed inside also when it should start to plant that seed please help thanks...

Louisville, KY

RedRose, Check this Link and it will provide you with some very helpful information.
Good Luck and Happy Gardening to us All!

What will happen if I plant a peach pit?
Further Tips for Successful Peach Pit Growing

Michigan Peach Sponsors

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Thank you so much.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

What I did was put the whole peach pit in a baggie that was stuffed full of damp not wet sphagnum moss. I put it in the fridge (where the "normal" person would keep their butter) from September until March. I just happened to look inside the bag to see if anything was happening, and sure enough, there was (don't know the correct name for it) a nice white long root.
I popped the whole thing into a 6 inch pot filled with soil, covered it with a gallon bag, put it in a bright (not sunny) window and let it grow. As soon as I saw green, I opened the bag a little, and hardened it off.
I actually put it into the ground that fall (1 year after planting) It grew so fast.. It was well over 1 foot by fall. I covered it completely with mulch that winter, and hoped (but didn't stress, thinking it wont be a great eating peach anyway). 2 years later, it's about 3 feet tall, and will get pruned correctly this winter. I don't know what I will get if it decides to fruit, but I am now none the less hopeful. :o)

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Oooh! You sure see the relation to almonds in that link! Great link.

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