CLOSED: Datura metel 'Black Currant Swirl' » » trades or SASEs

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Datura seeds - - Black Currant Swirl  (Datura metel 'Black Currant Swirl')

Plant info :

The plants from these seeds will yield double and triple blossoms. I have found that Full Sun locations getting late afternoon shade make this variety the happiest, especially when watered regularly - - It is kinda sorta drought tolerant, maybe. These seeds come from my own plants and are offered for SAE + postage OR for tasty eye-candy trades (please no vegetable offers).

If my the supply of these seeds runs out, I will close this thread right away.  Until the thread is closed, yes, I have more Black Currant Swirl Datura seeds left and, yes, I will send a packet to anybody . . .

Please Note:   All parts of this plant are toxic.  Take care to wear gloves when handling any parts of datura plants and to wash hands thoroughly afterward.  The seeds in particular are highly poisonous when ingested - so, DON'T EAT DATURA SEEDS!  O.K.?  Thanks in advance. ;--)

Traders :   my WANT list »

SASE requestors :   Here's what I need from y'all . . . Mark the lower left corner on the outside of your self-addressed return envelope with   "BCS Dat", just to keep me oriented and all. Fold that and place it into another business-size envelope addressed to me, then put in U.S. postage adding up to 64˘ in LOOSE stamps.   Please do not affix the postage to your return envelope.   Again, Thanks in advance!

This is my USPS addy » »

If you are not in the DG address exchange, send me a DMail msg for the postal info, using this link » »   and request my postal mailing address.

A T B T Y !       ~       ŁazŁo     ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

. here's another view .

Thumbnail by LazLo
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)


This message was edited Aug 24, 2011 7:30 AM

Orangeburg, SC

LazLo, when do we plant these seeds? I'm in zone 8a.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Debbie : either as soon as your last spring frost has past, or in mid-October

Orangeburg, SC

If I plant them in October and they come up, will they overwinter?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

8a? i do not think that they will come up in your area. you could plant some in mid-Oct. and some in early spring after the danger of frosts has past.

Orangeburg, SC

I will try both. Thanks.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

yes it will grow that I used to had it long time ago so please save it for me and my mom thanks from RedRose

(Jan) So Milw, WI(Zone 5b)


I'm hoping that you may have some of these seeds left/available??? I'm sending you an envelope today :)

Thanking you in advance, Jan

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you LazLo!!!!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

hey there, Jan!

i used to live on 34th St. a half block south of Lisbon, where they showed Linda Lovelace's most infamous porn movie . . . somehow there were always cars getting slashed sidewalls if parked on any of the blocks in an area of about 9 or 12 blocks, with Lisbon running through the middle, though not precisely so . . . my house was right across 34th from an huge multi-apt bldg. that once was the manse of some part of the famous brewing family, the Millers. i was attending UW-M in the Urban Affairs programme after two previous years back where my folks lived in Oshkosh (b'gosh!), long, long ago, and most certainly far, far away in my mind until i find another Badger (homegrown or otherwise - - heck, i wasn't originally from Dairyland.) . . . nostalgia for a place and things that are no longer anything like they were before or just after we were doing the VietNam tango quango. Ah, but i digress . . . pardon me.

sure ! i still have a good quantity of these remaining . . . i will set aside a nice fat packet for you. because of un-improving RA troubling a couple of the fingers of my right hand, i had to choose a couple of species which just have to be shared without completely cleaning the seeds. everything has been thouroughly dried and properly stored since harvesting. the BCS Dat was the most numerous and voluminous of my seed snatches harvests. you'll get several hundred seeds, perhaps a thousand, but you will have to complete the cleaning process if you feel the need to. when i make a planting, i just tweeze out a few loose ones. what is seed and what is not is totally obvious. btw, even though not totally cleaned, once dried these seeds have all been treated with ground cinnamon to help prevent "damp off" caused by fungi and molds.

i am going to close this thread - probably sometime Friday evening or Saturday morning - and pack up all the remaining surplus i have of the BCS Datura as part of seed donations to a few school gardening clubs and where applicable, to Trudi Davenport over at . . . when i was a tween i had this paperback book that was all about really neat stuff (yup - i have always been a nerd - - even while totally hippie!) . . . RNS that anyone could get for an SASE and a short but polite cover letter for whatever the heck you were requesting whomever it might be to send your way with the enclosed SASE . . . Folks! y'all can still do that with . . . i liked what Trudi and her volunteer packagers sent back to me . . . the 2nd time, i also enclosed a couple bucks to help by stuff the .org needed. then, i started being a seed donor.

Jan - - and anyone else interested - - you can get a packet or two of free seeds in return for just sending an SASE to the folks at . . . go to their website and you will find a link to info about this feature of their service to gardeners from all over.

and, Jan, perhaps on reflection, you might think of something tradeable and then i would just return your envy and stamps to you when they arrive here. Else ... if you haven't mailed the request yet, things are much, much easier if you just contact me in a private DMail msg to create a discussion thread about trading . . . JMTCW, YMMV !

A T B T Y !         ~         ŁazŁo    ;--)

This message was edited Sep 12, 2011 3:22 PM

Thumbnail by LazLo
Orangeburg, SC

Lazlo, save a seed pack for me. I'll try to get a SASE in the mail tomorrow. Thanks.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Deebie - WHAT ??!! no use of the usual carrot for ŁazŁo? . . . just kiddin' !     ;--)

a pudgy pouch of these set aside for you, dearheart.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Lazlo, I just read your threads just to get my smiles in for the day. Such a nerd. I think most gardeners were nerds. Sharon

(Jan) So Milw, WI(Zone 5b)

You are totally AWESOME!!! I got a big bag of every imaginable Dat seed from you and am TOTALLY OVERWHELMED by your generosity!!! I'm always sharing plants/seeds/cuttings with friends and family and I can't begin to thank you enuff!!!

Thank you for making my day!!! I will be looking at my seeds and see if there's something that I can send you in return...

Bless you!!! Jan

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi u got dmail

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Lazlo, do you now if rain lily seeds need to be refrigerated for 6 weeks or not at all. Sharon

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sharon - in general, those seeds should be either direct sown in the fall or in the spring after the last frost . . . if the latter is your intention, then you should chill the seeds in your reefer 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost. and btw, i think it is entirely wrong for there to be flooding in the streets of LV when everything in OzTown has been bone dry for the past 123 of August. Boo hoo!

Jasper, TX

Thank you so much for the seeds. I received them yesterday.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi LazLo... I was waiting to hear from you to see if you reciece my sase yet so please let me know thank you... Have a great day.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

We had a micro burst and it stayed in one area and did not move. It was on the other side of town.

Thanks for the info. I think I will plant some at the end of this month and then also put some in the fridge. Sharon

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