Summer is fleeting. Is it really time for fall planting?

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

On my visit to Costco yesterday, I saw they received their fresh order of fall bulbs. Gorgeous tulips, narcissus, crocus, hyacinth and anemone. And ... I bought my supply of frittilaria; they go so fast. 4 bulbs for $12.49.

I look forward to more giant allium (gladiator, etc). They typically get one order, and when they're sold out, that's it You have to strike when the iron is hot!

Thomaston, CT

Today I planted 2 sib iris & many TBI...

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I've been deleting plants and moving others. Can't face buying anything until they're all sold out: ideal.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

so fast

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I want to know when the #$@% mosquitoes are going to die! I look like a human pin cushion! I need a bat house and bats to llive in it!!!

Thomaston, CT

I was surprised to find mosquitoes absent from my walk along the brook today....usually it's swarming even with spray....

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Then there is hope . . .

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

We have bats but I also use Avon skin so soft.

I'm just anticipating the less humid weather, I do have a lot of planting still to do

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Jen - do you have a bat house?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)


Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Memory - I do; I really think it helps with the mosquitos.

I walked outside yesterday and there was a definite sense of Fall in the air. I am NOT ready to even think about leaving the farm anytime soon. Hank pulled out those burning bushes around our back patio (with the huge hostas lining them). Yippee! I now have a 10' x 3' new garden to plan and plant! Wheeee!

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

A new garden! What a joy! Yep - I've noticed the chill in the air myself. But we have two months of summer left - just not so sweaty, nasty summer. I love the Fall - I think Fall made me fall in love with New England.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Yeh, Fall is great for garden work , and it is a beautiful time of year!!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm waiting for last nights dew to dry so I can weed without getting soaked.
I'm battling Morning Glories and other weeds.Why did I think MG's were a good idea.
I plan to dig lilies in about a month,thats all the fall stuff here.

Hallowell, ME

Received 7 Asters and 6 Phlox yesterday that need to be planted. Been busy moving plants. Have more plants coming too. Been making use of all the sales offered. Shell beans are about ready to harvest. Still a lot going on in the gardens. DW's cousin is downsizing her beds and giving us more hostas!!!! It's going to be busy right into frost.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Many of us, myself included, thought MG's were a good idea until the seeds sprouted the following year. I keep thinking I've removed it all but those seeds remain viable for 80 years...75 years to go!

I'll be digging lilies in November. Then I'm sure the weather will be cool enough for me to work in comfort.

Thomaston, CT

A new garden, Louise....oooh, I can think of many things to plant! Of course, right now I'm digging DLs out of the roadside gardens so when the town backfills, I won't lose them....I've dug out 4 so far....they are residing in a wheelbarrow....many more to go :>(

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thats not something I wanted to hear.
My topography and garden style doesnt support the vinie choking nature of MG's. Anyone who has them growing now, take my advise and be sure to clean ALL vines before they set seeds in the fall.Its a jungle out there. They are not charming trailing up my lilies.Thats just my opinion.

Thomaston, CT

I noticed one yesterday, Jo, climbing over plants....have not planted any there in years!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Just treat them as weeds. Mine are Grampa Ott very pretty but out of controle.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Same ones here, Jo Ann.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

I think I'm doing my spring planting now. Some of them had to wait until I'd be home enough to water. DL's and echi's, a rubrum lily, a knock- out rose (who's telling on me?) and Midnight Sun dogwoods went in yesterday. My only delay is in destroying burning bush and privet roots that are rampant. Fall is possible for planting hardy camellias, says my local historical society greenhouse, but they have a historic greenhouse to keep them indoors until sold and most are sold in February. They ought to arrive any day now for sale, but they couldn't remember which cultivars they got. I think I'd still wait to early spring to plant one outdoors.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Sounds like we're all enjoying the fall preview of garden chores and additions. Today I moved the following into my "new" patio garden: 2 bleeding hearts, Harper's blue columbine, some purple and white columbine, Bressingham's Beauty pink astilbe, pink Forever & Ever hydrangea, 5 sib iris's from the RU & Celeste's bucket, my short "Sisterfest" red daylily from a NC daylily farm. I have room to put in one more plant now. One third of the new bed is in the shade and the rest is part sun/part shade. I'm now eyeing the huge clump of hosta at the "point" and thinking I'll pull it out and add some more new stuff. (Can't stop when I get started!" lol)

Thomaston, CT

That garden sounds lovely, Louise......

Hallowell, ME

Nice Louise. When you finish there you and Hank can come up here and help us!!!! (lol) ;)

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, i am weeding weeding weeding in advance of finishing beds in the fall. Today in the humidity, I positioned about 20 perennial pots where I want them to finish this year's beds just before the rain started cooling things down. I'm also pacing around fothe yard to plan more trees and shrubs. Two have grown too big to overwinter in a plastic greenhouse, and I've been encouraged to plant the Brackens BB magnolia now, also planning lots of protection. As a "control" group, I have a smaller BBB and 'Victoria' that will overwinter so we'll see which works.

Thomaston, CT

Rosemary, your zone sounds fine for that one a tropical variety?

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I am trying to find spots to plant alliums.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Marilyn, i am planting magnolia grandifloras, but only the so called hardy ones. BBB grows in Oxford ohio at U Miami, and is supposed to be hardy to zone 5a. They don't grow as tall in the north, and sometimes need winter protection, particularly to get started. Leaf burn can be an issue from rapid changes in weather in the winter. I also planted Ohio belle, which is m. virginiana, and it's had all summer to settle in. I live near rte 95-128 and on the other side of the highway, it's already a zone colder in general, and my street is somewhat protected, but not low where the weather settles, either. This is my first year growing them but i read several books, visted them and corresponded with other gardeners.

Thomaston, CT

Sounds like you did your homework, Rosemary! Would love to see photos when they're in bloom.....

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Rosemary will be looking forward to your reports on how they do. I'm z5 also and love Magnolias.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Sure, but if they're anything like the saucer magnolias that way, it will be more than five years until the blossoms, assuming i don't let them dry up in winter weather. My local nursery did sell a much larger BBB this year that I didn't spring for. Naturally a larger transplant will handle winter shock better. My most encouraging book was "Palms don't grow here and other myths."

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