Pecan breaking

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi, I need some advice. My big old Pecan is dropping branches, BIG ones, and little ones. The big ones are at least 10" in diameter, maybe 25' long, not sure about that part. The first one came down about two months ago, the second yesterday. We've had some windy weather lately (ripped up the metal roof on my neighbors outbuilding). There seems to be nothing wrong with the tree, looking at the wood that's down, but of course, I'm no expert. There are "woodpecker" marks ringing the branch in some spots. There seem to be bigger pecans than usual, lots of them.

My thought is to get someone out to trim back the other big bracnches, and clean up the breaks. I do NOT want to lose this tree, it significantly hotter just with the two branches gone...

Any thoughts appreciated...

Cross-posted to Fruits and Nuts.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am NO expert either--but when you said you saw "Woodpecker marks ringing the branches in some spots"--
it jarred a memory bank in my brain.

There is a bird called "Yellow-Bellied-Sap-Sucker" which pecks holes in a line all around a branch--like a collar.
These holes go into the cambium (the living tissue that acts as a life-line between the top and the roots.)
This can totally damage the cambium layer, interrupting the flow of sap and nutrients.
After a while--the branch above the holes dies.

Seems to fit your scenario--don't you think?

Just my 2 cents worth.......Gita

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi Gitagal, thanks for the response

Yes, and no:) I'll go look it up, but none of the branches were dead at all. Seemes to be a factor of a large crop, wet (so heavy) leaves, and branches allowed to get too long and droopy, and wind.
Today the missing branches allowing for more sun is a plus....:)

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I know you said it was wet, heavy leaves. Has it also been a really dry summer?

They do trim branches back on pecans but not this time of year.

This message was edited Oct 10, 2011 6:19 AM

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks podster :) Our rainfall was actually pretty close to normal. We have been waiting and crossing fingers, toes, paws and whiskers. The branches have to be trimmed back from the power line, but I'm hopinh it will be easier after the leaves (and the pecans:) are down. We laso need to cut back the braches that are too long and begging to break.

Today is rainy and windy, so we'll be very crossed.....

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I know you can't help but worry. Maybe 'natural pruning' by wind will work out. Best wishes!

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks:). I think that the natural pruning needs a bit of help (from what I've been reading/hearing) to at least even off the rough edges, and try to keep water out. We'll see if I can find a certified Arborist...

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