Weed killer/murderer

Merida, Centro, Mexico(Zone 11)

You all are so wonderful but the Agricultural stores here are often less so.

Imidacloprid and I now are getting to know each other much better. But next come the weeds...in 2 venus.

First my friend has a new beach house with sand instead of grass making up the large space around the house. It was lovely for a minute or two. Now there are weeds, yerba male, very similar to the ones I have here in Merida. Some had thick fleshy stems, some are those kind with infintesimal flowers that flatten themselves against the ground, and then there are the others that look grass-like but grow in bunches. I can't remember any others.

Mine are all the same but they grow primarily in the spaces between my flagstones. They aren't horrendously difficult to dig out with a metal hook but it's standing up to move to the next batch that's a problem for me.

I read somewhere in a message here that there is an herbicide that one puts on the grown or growing weed; waits for it to die and then dowses it again. It becomes dead to the world.

Granted my Spanish is a bit primitive but that's not a difficult concept. Still, I'm asked the names of the weeds -- don't tempt me -- and to describe each one in greater detail. The weed itself is not the point. It's all the weeds. I want to dowse them or drench them, wait until they look good and dead and then pour more weed killer on them which is supposed to send them to the great beyond.

Am I imagining things or is there such a product and, if there is, what's it's name? Doesn't matter what language or what brand, I'll track it down.

On the other hand, if those weed fumes are getting to me and nothing like what I described exists, what can I use. What is the best weed killer?

I am very leery of paraqujat and that's what I keep being offered along with malathion.

All suggestions, no matter how far out, are welcomed.

Muchas gracias from the heat and humidity of Merida!

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

You're probably thinking of RoundUp...active ingredient is Glyphosate. You might want to read the latest info on the web, before you buy it. It works great, but there are some studies showing that long term, heavy use may be causing some soil problems. I, personaly swear by it, but I only need it for those crack weeds between pavers, myself.

Malathion kills aphids and other insects; it will not harm the weeds...it will even make them thrive.

Virginia Beach, VA

It can be very frustrating and if you decide to use roundup and kill all the weeds you must do a weed control every year. are you going to plant grass after the weeds are gone?


Merida, Centro, Mexico(Zone 11)

Thanks all. Like OCCarol, I just want to kill those suckers that this year are flourishing between the flagstones. Last year they weren't nearly so bad. In place of the weeds, we'll put sand or gravel, whichever seems cheapest and most effective.

Any suggestions are welcomed. My gardener has just dug them all up and we've tossed them out so now is the time to make a decision and implement it.

Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
Barbara in Santiago, Merida, Yuc. Mexico

Virginia Beach, VA

I need to reiterate that weed control is a yearly undertaking otherwise you will have the same problem. Good luck!!


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