Kalmia latifolia 'Olympic Fire'

Wauseon, OH(Zone 5a)

I am looking to replace a Miss Kim Lilac bush which has borers in it and is dieing with a Kalmia latifolia 'Olympic Fire'. I have never seen this bush and would like to know if anyone has it and your feeling about it.

When does it bloom?
How big does it get? Can you keep it at one height?
Is it a beautiful bush?
Would you buy it again if you were to replace it?
What are the PRO'S and CON'S about it in your landscape?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

What soil pH do you have?

Lilacs like lime-rich soil; Kalmias like acidic soils. If the one grew OK, the other may well not.


Wauseon, OH(Zone 5a)

PH of 7

Do you have any suggestion on what type of bush to plant?

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I think kalmias are challenging in the midwest.
At least in my midwestern yard.
If you're dying for a kalmia, go for it.
I've seen some at Mo Bot Garden which look OK.
Not great like on the east coast.
But another shrub may be less fussy.
What exposure? Sun/shade? How tall a plant are you looking for?

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

I just planted Olympic Fire this spring. It is doing very well for me. I can't tell you how big it will get under your conditions. I love Kalmias. I also have two species latifolias, Big Boy and Nathan Hale.
I strongly suggest you plant them on berms of an acidic soil mix. It shouldn't matter what your regular soil is below the berm. I use a mix of one part good loam, 3 or 4 parts Sphagnum moss and 1 or 2 parts composted organic matter like rotted hardwood mulch or something similar.
I plant all my kalmias, rhodies, azaleas this way and have excellent beautiful, vigorous green shrubs. Flowering of course depends on how much light they get.

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