Seeds from Petasites, Cuphea, Oenothera need white Campanula

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I am looking for a white flowered form of Campanula medium (single or double) as well as Erysium linifolium variegatum, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cooperi, Ipomoea tricolor Pearly Gates and white Papaver somniferum.
I have Petasites japonicus var. giganteus 'Variegatus', Cuphea llavea "Vienco Lavender", Oenothera "Lemon Sunset", pure white Aquilegia, Lychnis coronaria alba, "Silver Frost" Ricinus communis and Black Knight Papaver somniferum seeds to trade.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Scored the white poppies, still looking for the others.

Concord, NH

i have the white campanula seeds drying now.

Concord, NH

would like the black night poppies+white columbine if possible ty

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

That's fine! I will get them together and mail them Monday.

Concord, NH

thank you so very much

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I have seeds from a white Campanula latifolia. It was 18" this year - shorter than my 40" purple Campanula latifolia. I would love to grow the 'silver frost' castor bean Ricinus communis. I grew a red castor bean for the first time this year - what a fun plant (as long as you don't eat it, of course).

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Thank you. I am specifically in need of Campanula medium rather than latifolia. Do you have seeds from Sisyrinchium idahoense?
I don't have that species of Blue Eyed Grass and would be happy to trade for that one.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

The "fairy grass" - that is what it is called around my garden. I had a few seed drying from this spring. Two of the neighborhood girls played on the flagstone path by the daylilies with their fairy dolls and named it fairy grass. I gave the seeds to their mother and grandmother respectively this week so that they can have some. I will check the plants for more seeds. I could send you a little clump if I don't have any seeds. I have a few clumps growing at the edge of a walkway in between some day lilies. I am not sure of the species. I got the plant as "blue eyed grass" at a plant swap. I read the descriptions and that one seemed to fit best. It looks like the pictures. It is very short. I'll go back and note that on my trade list.

I moved it twice this year until i found a good place for it. At first it looked like a weed with a few short annuals - funny how some of the combos that look fab in mags look odd in my garden. Then I moved it to the back shade garden, but it wasn't happy there, so I tried it in little gaps by short day lilies - hello fairy grass.

Do you still want it if I am unsure of the exact species?

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