Are You an Accomplished Declutterer?

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Are any of you accomplished declutterers--meaning have you successfully cleared out and kept it pretty well cleared out? Do you feel the struggle is over, or do you fear things will go back to how they were? What prompted you to keep fighting the clutter until you conquered it? How do you feel now that you've accomplished the monumental task? Do you now inspire others? Does other people's clutter annoy you now?

I feel like I've made a lot of progress. Most of my house is now cleared. Cleaning the house takes much less time, and since I hate to clean, that's a big bonus! I have very few nicnacs now, just enough to make it a home. And each nicnac fits the theme of the decor. Books were probably my biggest collection. I kept every one I ever read. I had 1000's of books and lots of bookcases. Now, I have a few books on the entertainment center. Once they're read, I pass them on to my sister.

I feel secure in the belief that I won't reclutter. I had always been a "neat freak" until I began getting sick a few years ago. Shopping made me feel better so I brought home a lot of stuff--nice stuff, but stuff I didn't need. Eventually my house was overwhelmed with stuff. I knew it but I was too sick and tired to do anything about it. Once I had the necessary surgeries and medication, I began to see clearly again. And I got serious about reclaiming my home. I couldn't believe the amount of things I had acquired. My mother has been a hoarder as long as I can remember. And I was so afraid I'd be like her. But I'm not. I can throw useless things away or donate them. I am quite happy to sell something I no longer need.

It's taken years to reclaim my home and toolshed. But I've done it. I still have work to do in my office, but I'm stalled until I find the right desk and credenza. When I see other people's clutter, it drives me nuts. I literally get a headache if I'm at my mom's house too much. I'm sure there's mold and mouse droppings there somewhere. She always has allergies and you can't convince her that she has too much stuff or that her stuff could be the culprit. She's not as bad as she used to be with clutter because we got rid of a lot of it when she was in rehab recovering from a stroke. She's still mad at me over that. But it was literal trash! So my mom was part of the inspiration that kept me carrying stuff OUT of the house instead of IN. I've watched her shut out the world by surrounding her self with walls of clutter. I didn't want to live like that.

So I do feel accomplished as a declutterer. I not only conquered the clutter, but I keep winning the battle. I no longer have the urge to buy impulsively. I am not attached to any of my stuff. If something gets broken, it's replaceable. I've also conquered a lot of emotions and memories that were tied up in my things. I feel stronger and more stable, if that makes sense. I am more social now and won't wall myself in and shut myself off from the world. I am also more aware of the emotional and physical issues that can lead to hoarding. I do watch Hoarders each week to reinforce what I've learned and to keep me on track. Yes, the shows are sad and disgusting, but that's exactly what I want to avoid in my own life. And maybe by being disgusted each week, I'll keep my own act cleaned up.

Let's hear your success stories!


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