CLOSED: 'Strawberry Fields globe amaranth (gomphrena) for SASE/trade

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

'Strawberry Fields' globe amaranth -aka- Gomphrena

Gomphrena haageana 'Strawberry Fields'

These seeds are super easy to germinate. Dust seed with ground cinnamon and direct sow in mid-autumn about ¼ inch deep.   Plant info ===>

My trading lists ===>

My DMail ===>

Stamps - . . . What I need from you:

I am offering an entire seedhead or the approx. equivalent in loose seeds . . . Just send a self-addressed business-size envelope (SAE) with 2 LOOSE "Forever" postage stamps - or an equivalent amount in denominated postage stamps (88¢). Please note on the lower left corner of the outer envelope:  "S F A F".

If your postal service is not the USPS, contact me in DMail to discuss doing the postage via PayPal.

My postal addy == >

If you can't see the DG address exchange, send a DMail to request my postal mailing address (see above).

A T B T Y !       ~       £az£o     ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

okay, I will be first in line..

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Im second ive got some brugmansia seeds i could trade.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Last call for alcohol, folks! . . .
  Seriously, I need to close out this offer soon - - frankly, our record-smashing heat wave makes it too dangerous for me to do much of anything out of doors . . . So, please send your SASE or contact me about trades for these seeds soon. Any remaining seeds are going to and the newbie seeds effort.

ATBTY ! ~ £az

Thumbnail by LazLo
Bryan, TX

If I'm not too late, I would like some seed, please.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

no problem, neighbor! when you send just enclose a couple of forever stamps , or any mixture of denominated stamps adding up to at least 64¢, perhaps with a return mailing label or one just printed onto a piece of paper . . . i will provide the return (padded) envelope with beaucoup seeds as i am giving out much more lagniappe than is usual for me.

anybody :   it is my custom to close my threads when my supply for the seeds offered is exhausted or i am taking one of the many breaks from the internet that i am want to do without warning, i know, but if all my threads are closed, i could have just given my computer the old chin-stroke and i'm just sitting on my shaded porch looking over all my poor scortched plants, or rather their poor crispy remains. oh, there are many survivors, indeed some are actually heat thrivers. however, the death toll has been in the thousands this year, far more than the walking wounded. it has really made depression very diffucult to deal with, at least without some, ah, . . . oh well, that's just too much to be shared, so i will just reflect upon what has been beating me down this year . . . and no, to those of you who know about my trouble last year, i am not letting the weather threaten my health . . . but . . .

sometime this week, we're gonna have a new record here in OzTown, TaxUS » SEVENTY days (and probably PLUS when it's finally >= 100°f) in the calendar year with the high temp climbing to 100°F or more . . . . we had a streak of 27 days in a row going until it rained for 20 minutes Friday before last (103°f) thereby cooling things so the next day (Sat.) was an absolutely wonderful 99°F . . . But alas, come that Sunday (104°f) we started, of course, another streak of 100°+ days. Actually, I'd call it a cool breeze if today's high would only be 100°F but we had 87° at sunrise and the heat's climbing quite fast, expected to peak at 105°F . . . no wonder i refer to my location as being at The Gates of Hell . . . God bless 'em all over there in Phoenix, where today's high will be around 116°F - - that's 46.667° Celsius !!

Thanks for "listening" to me grouch . . . and . . .A T B T Y !     ~     £az    ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo
Center, TX

Lazl, I know msery loves compay but this year has been the worst ever!!! And not only that, but the neighbors long-horn cattle broke down our fense ad ate almost all of my green plants. Maybe the perrinals will come back next year. Also the water dept has stopped us from using water for outside. So take a break and try to stay cool.

Ceter, TX

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Lazlo honey, if it isn't too hot there and you have a seedhead available, I'd love to try your seeds. I've the perfect spot, a nice sunny hot place near our church. The color would be fab seen from the street!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

sure 'nuff, cathy - - i have a butter tub of them left to share.

alda - the only thing this weather is good for is brewing sun tea.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Lazlo,
I have Gomphrena 'Strawberry Fields' growing in my garden the last couple of years. I purchased a small packet of seeds at a garden show. The seed germinated well and I had nice flowers. I saved the seed and attempted to winter sow it. I had no germination. I did have some from the garden re-seed.
Could you please tell me a little more about growing this cutie from seed? or direct me to a resource? What's the deal with cinnamon?
Do you know if the seed is good after one year? I saved lots of seed but was discouraged when I didn't get any sprouts from the winter sowing.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

instead of winter-sowing, just sow them in mid-fall . . . about 1/2 in. deep in full sun. alternatively, sow them a couple of weeks before your last frost - as long as the ground can be worked.

the seed, if dried and stored properly, should be good for about three years; the fresher the better, though.

the "deal" is protection against damp-off. allspice and nutmeg work just as well but cost so much more. at a big box store such as CostCo you can get a big container of Saigon cinnamom for less than three bucks.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


This offer is now CLOSED until next summer  

Thumbnail by LazLo

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