Thinking of doing it again.

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi, I used to do bonsai years ago. Got away from it raising a family, but thinking about starting again. I no longer have my books of course. I never did buy trees, but went out in the woods and on cliff sides and dug ones from between rocks and ones that grew under adverse conditions to turn them into the little works of art. I am no longer able to do that, but would like to experience it again. I used to do evergreens and herbs but was wondering about disiduous (sp???) trees. I mean our common trees ie: maples, elms etc. Is it possible?

Hi Sue' Have seen shows on HGTV that say yes to almost anything(bonsai)The disiduous(sp)(bonsai)need to be kept outside in winters too,just like the regular(in ground) trees' The bonsai's are so beautiful too,might try it myself with a pine seedling this winter'My neighbor(passed on now)used to bonsai native trees like maples,elm whatever and really had a collection'Good luck and keep us posted'Sis'

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh good!!!!!! A great experiment for me and my Grandson! Thank You so much and I sure will let you know.

Enjoy,keep us posted too':D

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