Iris seeds

Dayton, OH

Intertested in Japanses seeds and or Siberian seeds.


brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Rosey - I just harvested a gazillon seed from unknown iris in the Goodwill parking lot. I haven't got a clue what they are - but they needed snatching, so I "volunteered". Could very well be 'versicolor'.
They grow in clumps like the Jap & Sib's do. I will try & get a picture of the plants if I head over there again this week.
I think they are either going to be purple or yellow. I don't think I was @ the Goodwill this year when they were blooming and my friend didn't remember (she isn't a plant person though so I forgive her)
All I know for sure is the tiger moth caterpillars LOVE these things and were everywhere on them when I was snatching. Even ended up bringing a few of them home too.
LMK - Stephanie

This message was edited Sep 12, 2011 1:42 PM

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