CLOSED: Freckle Face Blackberry Lily » for stamps or trades

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Freckle Face Blackberry Lily ~ Belamcanda chinensis 'Freckle Face'

-aka- Leopard Lily

DG info for this plant:

Offered - Packets containing a minimum of 24 seeds, already treated with ground cinnamon to inhibit fungi.  Enough for anyone to start a nice stand of this member of the Iris family ( Iridaceae) in a full sun to part sun (afternoon sun) location.  These seeds will bring dark to medium orange blooms with red "freckles".

Trades:   Please check my WANT list then propose your trade in DMail ===>

Stamps . . . What I need from you:

A self-addressed business-size envelope (SAE) with 2 LOOSE "Forever" postage stamps - or an equivalent amount in denominated postage stamps.   I provide bubble wrap protection for the seeds.   Please note on the lower left corner of the outer envelope:  "Freckle Face".

If you live outside the U.S., just contact me in DMail to discuss doing the postage via PayPal.

My postal addy == >

If you can't see the DG address exchange, send a DMail for my postal info,
using this link == >   and request my postal mailing address.

These seeds are super easy to germinate! Before sowing, I dust the seeds by shaking them in an old pill bottle containing about 1/8th teaspoon of ground cinnamon - a natural anti-fungal agent that helps prevent "damp off".  Sow seeds about Ľ inch deep.

A T B T Y !       ~       ŁazŁo     ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo
Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

Oh my am i the first,

I would love some for stamps please!!

Do they take 2-3 years to flower?


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

mine have bloomed in the second spring, but that was from spring transplanted winter-sow seeds.

you can sow these seeds from now until about 2 weeks before your first hard frost. right now in TX we are having a tropical heat wave due to a large area & pretty stable high pressure dome that goes out to eastern Arizona, up into Missouri, over to Georgia and all along the Gulf Coast from Pensicola westward . . . so you could plant seeds for this lovely right now - - wish you could send us buckets of that rain down to us here in OzTown, Tax_US ... LOL! i will be sowing my seeds directly into garden soil somewhere around mid-Oct. - - but only when the high temps haved dropped into the upper 80°s.

whenever you sow your seeds, try to keep the ground moist in that area from that time - up to 2 weeks before your first hard frost.

if you're lucky they may pop out a few blooms in late summer that first year! i had two do that several years ago. nowadays i'm too good a hawk when it comes to snatching seeds and not many get to escape my harvesting hands.

what is really nice about the iris called the Freckle Face BlackBerry Lily is that you may see the need for dividing out the plants well-developed tuber roots in the early spring of the 3rd year.

btw, here's what the seed pods will look like after the bloom falls away. it may take up to 2 months for the petals of the pods to dry completely, peeling back to reveal the "blackberry" - a stout and slightly elongated stem of berries. looks better that the real blackberry - - don't encourage investigation by kids as i do not know if the seeds are toxic to people . . . birds love 'em. . . .

Thumbnail by LazLo
Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

SASE is in the mail. Looking forward to growing these- I've had great luck with anything in the Iris and Lily family in the past so think these will do well in my garden.
Thanks for offering them!

Guyton, GA(Zone 8b)

I would like some for postage, if you have some left. I will send the postage and envelope Monday morning. How long does it generally take for the seeds to germinate?

Winnetka, CA

Lazlo.... I would love to have some of your 'Freckle-face' seeds if you have enough. I am going to the post office early Monday morning so I will send you the self addressed envelope with required postage.... thanks so much for sharing with us! Nancy

Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

I'm still fairly new to all this but I do have some iris I divided and planted that seem to be sprouting new foliage I can send you when it cools down some... they a LA black gamecocks they tell me! It's raining now but i can get a pic of the new sprouts, it was my first division ever,,=)


Thumbnail by janemarierose
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

ordairygirl : how are the Nanking Cherry seedlings coming along for you?

clyoung1 : generally if i no longer have seeds to share i kill (close) the thread. generally, they have germinated 10-21 days when sown Ľ inch deep in moist soil at least 70°F.

janemarierose : thank you & congrats on your first root division . . . btw, might you be interested in seeds for red yarrow? i received them from another DGer but its just too darned hot here for them to get a fair start. mayhaps they will do very well in Utica. just lemme know, OK?

~ Łaz

Thumbnail by LazLo
Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

Sure, I think I have yarrow in every pot I have, it's green and it fills in space I would love it in every color in one place someday.....I hate to say it but it does well here and the bugs dont bother it =)


Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

Lazlo- No nanking cherry seedlings as of yet. The seeds have to be cold stratified so I'm planning on winter sowing. I love my nanking cherries- the only shrub that seems to like living on a ditch bank with no extra care. Cherries are pretty tart and small, but they were in my yard as a child and I love them. I may be able to offer seedlings in the Spring, or could send seeds if you want to winter sow too. They are not offered at any of my local nurseries and I've never had luck trying to get bare root ones started. The ones I have I got 6 years ago as plugs from a University plant sale.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I've been trying to try these do you have any left?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

sure 'nuff, Meriedith . . . generally, if i have no left to share, i close the thread so if you see something posted as open by me, there are seeds or whatever still to be shared.

~ Ł

Thumbnail by LazLo
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I sent you a dmail with the seeds I have available for trade.. So lmk if you want anything or if I should just send the sase. Thanks so much!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Last call for alcohol, folks! . . .
  Seriously, I need to close out this offer soon - - frankly, our record-smashing heat wave makes it too dangerous for me to do much of anything out of doors . . . So, please send your SASE or contact me about trades for these seeds soon. Any remaining seeds are going to and the newbie seeds effort.

ATBTY ! ~ Łaz

Thumbnail by LazLo
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I'm assuming you didn't find anything you'd like to trade for, so I would love to send sase. It will be in tomorrows mail. Thanks :)

Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

In the mail today...

San Antonio, TX

My stamps and envelope are in the mail. Thank you for being so generous

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Lax
I sure would like some of these. Will have to do postage for now though.

Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

What does this mean? ATBTY !


Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

I had to look up ATBTY when I received my seeds..its "all the best to you." Thank goodness for Google!

Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

Oh I never would have thought of doing that! google!!!! lol

JMR=jane marie rose hehehehehe

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Lazlo, may I be included? Thank you!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

yup . . . still have hundreds of them to share.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I would like to try some. I will s SASE. Sharon Winter.

Louisville, KY

LazLo, I grow a few common flowers but mostly Peppers and Tomatoes. I would be interested in growing your Freckle Face Blackberry Lily ~ Belamcanda chinensis 'Freckle Face'. I should have some of the Oscar's Milkweed seed I can share with you. I will check tomorrow and see if they are here and get back with you. I am posting the Link to Dave's Garden Plants so you can read about it.
Happy Gardening to us All!
Gary Millwood
Louisville, Kentucky

Oscar’s Milkweed Native to South Africa

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

oh yeah! i'd be quite pleased to trade freckles for hair balls . . . heh-heh ;--) . . . i didn't know before who the hairy balls belonged to. now i know they're Oscar's !!!

a nice fat packet of Belamcamda chinensis 'Freckle Face' will be in the wind to you Monday morning. thanks for the trade!

~ Łaz

Thumbnail by LazLo
Louisville, KY

Love your sense of humor dear, LazLo!
After posting the Oscar's information to you, I proceeded to find them and will get them in the mail right away.
Happy Gardening to us All!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


This offer is now CLOSED until next summer  

Thumbnail by LazLo
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Got my seed. Planting Monday. Thanks so much. The seed pods look a lot like rain lily seed pods.

God Bless you. Sharon.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you, Sharon.

Have fun . . . i have only one plant remaining that is still setting blooms . . . and a whole herd of 2nd year plants across the walk from the bloomer that i am going to transplant to into a location where they will get full sun in 2012. word is that if i can keep their feet wet enough they will have just as good a year next year as they had this year in an afternoon shade spot. i will be re-seeding the shadier spot and use it as the nursery bed for my FF blackberry lilies from now on. i let many seedheads alone so that their seeds would distribute by dropping from dryness and high wind, or with the assistance of birds. my mourning doves love them and they also love the cover the densely sown seeds from the fall of 2009 afforded to them this year. they could enjoy the shade without feeling jumpy about folks walking by on a sidewalk. they nest elsewhere (i really haven't sought 'em out at home) but they really like hanging out near either of my porches.

Make sure to chill that seed packet in the crisper bin of your fridge 4-6 weeks before you give them a lukewarm overnight soak and then sow them . . . in your area they will handle the desert night temps and with watering to keep their soil moist - - with DIRECT sowing anytime after stratification, beginning around Thanksgiving. they will just get nice broad leaves the first year . . . you can cut back the fans right after Halloween. in their second spring, amend your regular plant feeding with the addition of ONE TBLS of bone meal and one TSP of blood meal, worked into the soil around each 2nd year plant - - and repeat that every 4-6 weeks throughout the spring and summer . . . you will get a bonanza of blooms and seedheads out the old wahzoo! ;--)

A T B T Y !         ~         ŁazŁo    ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Got it. I was going to plant them today so it is good you clarified what I am suppose to do. I will put them in the crisper.

How are the fires doing in your area. I pray every night for rain for Texas. Sharon

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

it seems that they are coming a bit more under control each day. the saving grace is that we no longer get winds driven by Tropical Storm Lee - - that's what really cut the humidity because there was just wind, no moisture, coming over most of the state . . . the only exception possibly being in the Beaumont - Port Arthur area on the far northeast Texas coast on the Gulf, bordering Louisiana where they really got a lot of rain from Lee.

anywho - when Lee petered out toward the northeast US, the windspeeds dropped like rocks around here. more and more fires became contained, but most areas are being intensely watched out of concern for flare-ups and new fires.

thank you for praying for our rain. you're a dearheart. g'night! ~ Łaz

Thumbnail by LazLo
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

We have many relatives living in Texas. My husband was born and raised in Beaumont. Sharon

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